Are these base2 boosters real?

My concern is with the “additional game cards” for the two on the left. The black outline is quite misaligned. Is this common?

I’ve sold quite a few Base Set 2 packs and have another 4 at home and none of them are misaligned like that. HAVING SAID THAT, I’ve seen a lot of shit quality Base Set 2 pack fresh cards so I wouldn’t put it past some wrapping being misaligned.

look fine

Thanks… looking real close at the text you can see some subtle differences between the left packs and the right packs… i’m still just not sure they’re real. For example, the hole in the middle of the “A” are different shapes? Maybe I’m just being picky.

Knowing Base Set 2 they are probably fine. I bet they are weighed, but also bet they are legit. If you are nervous there are plenty of other people selling packs for decent prices on eBay.

but but but he said they’re unweighed! :grin: The price is what makes me a little wary as well. $75 shipped for all 4

I’ve seen plenty wrappers like that before, they look good to me. And what exactly would make them weighed lol

Because selling unweighed packs for below market value is sketchy, but maybe the seller just wants to get rid of them, I don’t know. They sell for about $25 - $28 each pretty consistently.

Every pack on eBay is weighed. If you’re silly enough to think otherwise then don’t complain when you find out different;)


I don’t really believe that personally. I’ve bought a pretty good handful of loose packs from varying sets like Base, Gym and Jungle and have pulled holographics from them, all different sellers too. The first time I ever pulled an unlimited Charizard was early 2017 from about 13 packs that I got for a steal on eBay. Even pulled 2 holos from Neo Discovery packs bought on Amazon.

I think you’ve got to look more into the seller before assuming they are weighed. If you’ve got a seller that appears to not know much about the hobby then you’re likely safe. If you’ve got a seller who has tons of PSA cards and singles for sale then I’d assume that they weigh packs.

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I think what he means is, you will never truly know unless you open them, and should never except loose packs to be unweighed.

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