Does anyone here know if the PSA labeled 1997 Toyota promos are authentic? There’s no symbol to differentiate these from the CD promos. I don’t know how PSA would be able to identify correctly without the folder that came with these cards. Any insight on this?
I don’t think there is a way to differentiate for Arcanine. PSA probably just labels it as what it is submitted as.
That is correct. The Toyota pikachu is significantly different, but Arcanine is a rerelease and exactly the same in every way. CD Arcanine = Toyota Arcanine unless with the original folder. I imagine the Toyota “label” is more sought after.
For reference i just scanned it my 2, the CD copy i pulled myself and the Toyota is still sealed in the folder.
I think the WHF Mew has the same issue as the Arcanine. It’s really unfortunate, as one should definitely be more valuable than the other
Same as the Zard, Toise and Saur of the ‘Trade Please’ campaign that were later reprinted to death as CD promos.
And same as the winner artworks of the first Pokemon Illustration contest that had only 20 copies before being indistinguishly mass produced in Vending Series 1.
Maybe someone should make a small guide for ‘rare’ promos that can’t be recognized because they have common doppelgangers.