Base set box resealed??

So I’m just after watching an moderator in my Facebook group crack open their Base Set (Unlimited) Booster box… my mate who bought packs in the opening rang me straight after…

Firstly. The box had an uneven number of packs of the three artworks.

Secondly… six packs at least (were not all taken out one by one) were upside down.

Just want your guys expertise in whether this is normal for wotc boxes or should there be any cause for concern.

Tanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Why would a resealer put some of the packs in upside down? I’ve seen that with authentic MTG boxes (not Pokemon yet, though). I think that’s likely just a factory error.

Re; the uneven number of packs of each artwork – no clue.

But if everything about the box seems legit (authentic cards, 11+ holos, etc.) except for these two concerns, then it’s probably fine.

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