Base Set Bulbasaur Background, What Is It?

Here is an interesting topic. The other day I noticed the white in the background of Bulbasaur, and thought it might the sky, with a tree above. Here are some photos, let me know if you see the same thing!


I actually never really paid much attention to that white space until you pointed it out but my interpretation of this artwork has always been that there’s mist or fog flowing among the plants around Bulbasaur, in front of the green in the background, but I can definitely also see it as sky beneath a canopy.

I think it’s just smoke. It’s an awkward line of sight for it to be the sky unless he was high up or on a cliff side.

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Nah I think it’s the sky. If it were smoke, the branches of the tree behind Bulbasaur wouldn’t be visible.

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Oh good point I didn’t even notice those branches!

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It’s definitely a tree above the white spot. And a palm type leaf on the right. I can’t decide if the white spot is the sky or a smoke/mist… I’m 50/50 on this.

I never noticed the beetle bug by his front foot either! All these years


Maybe arita started with a white background and simply never filled the area in and it really isn’t anything.

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The sky is almost always colored blue in cartoon art (clouds are white) so I’m not convinced it’s the sky.

It’s common in anime to be given a first person perspective of coming out of a dark area like a tunnel being only able to see white because of the contrast in light. So it could be just the intense brightness outside the forest itself.

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I think I always assumed that was some kind of smoke or like, fluffy white bush or something without paying much attention to it, but now I’m not convinced lol

Bit of an awkward artwork I’m guessing blue didn’t work or was to busy for Arita, it is def sky/clouds IMO

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Just got off the phone with my contacts at TPCi… genitalia. This was a last second edit.

That is no mere ant under Bulbasaur’s foot, that was a Durant! :stuck_out_tongue: Who knew?! Pokemon doing Easter Eggs before it was even a thing.

Squirtle pictured here standing on a mound of amethyst

Thread brought to you by smpratteofthecoast


Definitely has that vibe lol!

Looks like a nuke has gone off in the background. Poor Bulbasaur. :slightly_frowning_face:

Definitely the sky, it’s weird noticing new things in old artwork that I never really looked at closely.

I think you’re indeed right it’s a tree, @smpratte .

As for the white part, I think it’s intended to be the sky, but I’m kinda wondering if they simply forgot to fill it in and it’s similar as the Misty’s Seel artwork error:


This just looks like it has been pasted onto a zoomed in picture of a glass of water with something been dropped into it to me. The Bulbasaur does just look like the sky is very white.

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