baseball card collection worth $20 million


It’s always nice to hear peoples lifetime collections just being instantly sold when they die.

If I were them I would have sold everything except the biggest couple of cards and kept them as family heirlooms


Heavy mária vibes coming from this thread


The guy is dead, it isn’t inconveniencing him one bit. If I croak I would much rather my family use my collectibles for stuff they want instead of holding onto them just because I liked them.

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If they kept his best card, they would still be getting $15m+

I think his family will be doing just fine

We have to remember not everyone shares he passion of the collector, if let’s say my dad had a baseball card collection worth millions and he passed away I’d sell it as well, I have no interest in baseball cards, and being a doctor it’s very likely he had expensive taste in other things like wristwatches which are better heirlooms to keep for sentimental value.

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RIP. Good on this guy for having such a developed and deep collection. This kind of news always makes me wonder why we’re collecting in the first place. It seems like a no win scenario:

  1. Have a multimillion dollar collection and die happy, not knowing what will eventually will happen to your collection, or if anyone will appreciate it (believe me, wills are very much contested, especially in high net worth cases)

  2. Sell the collection you’ve spent decades collecting for millions to spend, in your last years, on…uber-viagra? hookers and blow? 2a) honestly, you really don’t need this much to have fun in your old age

  3. Keep it and look at #1 above

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my stuff gets buried with me pharaoh style


Because we enjoy it? Everything we do in life is ultimately pointless, including collecting. As long as you enjoy collecting, that’s what matters.


Amen, couldn’t agree more

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a wristwatch making a better heirloom is super subjective lol!


The objects we collect aren’t the most important thing, it’s the happiness we get from the journey of obtaining and owning them which is!


You’re 100% right but I mean, anything can be a heirloom, even a piece of worthless rock :rofl:…

…but for sentimental value, jewelry can hold it better as it’s worn by the loved one usually for years on end, for example, my dad gave me the Speedmaster he wore daily for over 40 years and I couldn’t think of anything more iconic of his persona from which to remember him by, the same goes for engagement rings passed on for generations, one is less inclined to sell something like that unless it’s absolutely necessary.


Absolutely. And we can all enjoy collecting for different reasons. For me, it’s all about the chase. For some, it’s all about looking at shiny cardboard. For some, it’s about impressing people. Whatever someone’s reasons for collecting, the only thing that matters is that they enjoy it (which can probably be said of everyone on this forum)! I’m sure that doctor had a fulfilling life of collecting and would want his family to derive as much joy from the collection as possible (and if that means selling it, then so be it!).



Can you elaborate please. What does that mean?

Every night at around 12:10am EST, a spam account named máriaXXXXXX gets made and posts articles to generate affiliate money.

It’s to the point where mária (without accent) is now corrected to “banme”


Is this for real? Almost sounds like a creepypasta. I’m more creeped out by this than I’d like to admit.

Kind of insane how expensive sports cards can be, really goes to show how Pokemon is still in it’s infancy years in comparison. The most expensive pokemon card doesn’t even come close to the most expensive baseball card.

And I’m not sure it ever will be, I would not liken Pokémon as something that is trying to reach the exact same tier as sports. Even Magic which is been established much longer than Pokémon is still a ways behind sports as well.