Why are people so frosty on here, what is the issue with asking for advise from what looks like the pokemon community. Could someone enlighten me on what was wrong other than value of a 10 dollar card when its a community for pokemon. It was only supposed to be a gesture, I didn’t think this was the pokemon investment help line. All we wanted to know is, how not to get ripped off. Just like my first thread this probably won’t go down well, but hopefully i’ll be able to respond.
If your response is going to be shitty then just breeze past here without a comment, no harm done.
The search bar is your friend. There are a lot of posts and topics that have been discussed before, E4 is a great resource for that.
I have a few points I would like to make.
First. When joining a forum, just make sure to read the rules and regs before making posts. There are quite a few people(like myself) who got back into collecting this year. The forum is very helpful, but there are rules. It helps prevent an onslaught of people coming into the forum and trying to have someone else do their research, or even worse, they come in to try and advertise or sell an old collection with no interest in being a contributor.
To your question. You just joined. You want to do a giveaway of a 10$ card for essentially investment strategy.
What you are asking for is widely available for the most part. Research price data, pop reports, market trends, then come in with a targeted question.
When you find something that is intriguing, then come back and ask a question that will likely help confirm a hypothesis, or shed light on something that’s unclear so you can exclude something from the target “investment” list or whatever. There are also tons of threads that will essentially give you the information you seek(if you are just looking to blindly invest, based on advice from someone you don’t know on the internet, who likely has their own interest at heart anyway)
It really just comes down to this. Read the rules, to prevent thread clutter, look at some of the threads that are ongoing, and read all the way through them.
Please don’t judge my grammar, being on the iPhone makes it tough to sound literate
The reason people are “frosty” is that such a broad question like “how do I buy things” is so vague it’s almost unanswerable. Additionally anyone here with years or a decade+ of experience has spent a long time learning and acquiring the knowledge on their own and asking for general access to basic knowledge can be seen as insulting. This is the equivalent of going to a mathematics forum where they are talking about partial differential equations and asking them to solve your high school math problems. Not that what we talk about amounts to high mathematics but the difference in experience is comparable.
And it’s not even a problem to ask questions here if you are new. It helps if you have a specific question and you have demonstrated that you have done some work to attempt to find the answer yourself. It also helps to understand the culture of this place or at the very least, the rules. Please read fourthstartcg’s post on your locked thread for guidance
People are not frosty, people just don’t like to waste their time.
In addition to what PFM said, your post was locked and you received “frosty” responses because you were not following the rules. If you had read the rules like I prompted you to, you would already know what to do instead of making another thread:
1.3. Let the staff team do their jobs. Do not make accusations or criticisms in regards to discipline. Please message a staff member if you need clarification.
Although, since you sent me a message calling everyone on the forum “bum chums” afterwards, I think it’s pretty clear who has issues.