Hello everyone! Pokesoap here! As some of you may know, I’m a collector aiming to collect every English main series set. Currently have 26.5 complete (0.5 is Unseen Forces, only have the main set. Still need to finish Unowns) Only 45.5 more sets to go! Soon to be 46.5! Yikes!
Currently my sets are being stored in large 3" and 4" D-Ring binders, and sadly those binders are starting to show their wear. Like, having to tape back on covers wear. Hey, I’ve had some of these things for 10 years. Maybe, just MAYBE it’s time for an upgrade. Don’t worry about the cards right now! In the 10 years I’ve had the binders, I’ve never had any cards damaged due to binders. (Knocks on wood). Cards are all safe and happy, but I want them to be safer and happier!
So E4, I have a few questions as what would be the best/most cost effective upgrade for my sets!
This is what I’ll be storing in these binders: (one binder per set)
-Complete Unlimited/Regular Print Sets
-Complete 1st Edition/Reverse Print Sets
-Variant Cards for those sets (Theme deck versions/weird variants/errors/other fun expensive stuff)
Here’s my shopping list.
-73 small D-ring binders to store my sets. I want D-ring 'cause I’m in NO place to buy a large amount of $20 ultra pro binders. 20 x 73 is 1460. $1460? Yeah. No thanks. Also, while I like the presentation of Ultra pro, I like the flexibility of D-ring and having control over pages.
I do plan on using one Ultra Pro for subset stuff. Storing a POP set in its own binder? No thanks.
Side question: Should I purchase a large amount of 1/2" binders or 1" binders? Will 1/2" binders put too much stress on larger sets like Skyridge and Aquapolis? I want all of my binder sizes to be even, so it’s one or the other.
-A large amount of Ultra Pro pages. This isn’t too much of a problem, but if anyone has a resource to get them cheeper than retail, let me know. I really, really need to upgrade my pages.
-A new bookcase, 'cause that amount of binders isn’t gonna fit on what I have now. I’ll probably figure this one out on my own
So far the best deal I’ve found this 1" binder for $2.89 each. (I’ll keep digging!)
My budget is between $1-$3.50 per binder. I don’t want to go over that price. I don’t want this to put too big of a hole in my wallet.
Just a note: I’ll probably be placing this order either in segments or in a few months once I get my summer job back up and running.
I’d love to hear any thoughts/ideas you may have concerning this upgrade! Thank you so much for reading! Have a lovely day!
-Pokesoap aka Madison S.