Best shipping method of sold cards or packs

Hey guys I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post but I had a question about the best way to go about shipping an individual psa graded card or a booster pack? I would certainly want it tracked. Sorry if it’s a very broad question.


In my experience, the best way of shipping booster packs is by first putting the pack in between two semi-rigged card savers inside of a psa sleeve like this:


Then I would put this in between two pieces of cardboard, and tape the cardboard pieces together. I’ve done this a few times, and have never had an issue with packs being damaged during the shipping process. I also use bubble mailers to ship, but I’ve known some people to advise against this.

I use these sleeves:

And these semi-rigged card holders:!23456!US!-1:rk:6:pf:0


NO TAPE please. Just Saran/sandwich wrap the cardboard together.


haha that’s fair. I normally don’t mind using tape because the PSA sleeve ensures nothing touches the pack, but saran wrap is even safer option


US domestic

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I do what Munch does above unless I’m hitting 500.00 plus.


Semi Rigged is always the answer for safe shipping! But this is exactly how I ship packs and bigger stacks of cards. Between semi riggedes, minimal tape/cling film. Stops them from moving, gives maximum protection.

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Any tips on cost efficiency? Delivery service? Padded envelope? Regular envelope?

First Class mail with tracking on ebay is 2.66$. I usually ship everything in a yellow padded envelope which u can order in bulk online or do to your local walmart and pick some up.

Regular Envelope is good for orders 10-15$ or lower.

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