Hi all, long time since I’ve posted - hope you’re all well.
I seem to remember you clever things finding a website which was great for shopping from amazon.co.jp and other non-auction sites, and it had a pretty good delivery policy too. Can someone share it again with me please? Any suggestions would be welcome actually… I’m in London (UK) still so don’t want to be hit by a load of custom charges if possible.
In case anyone’s wondering, I’ve not bought anything for a long while. At one point I considered selling up but decided that’s never going to happen, so those cards stay with me for the time being! I’ve just not got the time to collect seriously anymore though unfortunately.
Whoa! Who’s that pokemon! I had to double check to make sure it was you.
It’s good to see you again dogma!
You are not alone in your position. I had to thin out my collection a bit as well when I moved. I miss the old days when I would have nothing to worry about but what card I was going to buy next.
For your question about buying books, Glenn (japananime) is your best bet. He lives in Japan. He is that ideal mix of English/Japanese that we always wish was real, but is actually real.