I’ve been reading these forums for a short time and I’m curious about BGS and PSA. If one had a BGS 10 would that be equal to a PSA 10? Or would it be superior? I’ve already watched SMPratte’s videos about this but Gary’s recent thread about a BGS 10 card has me wondering. If a BGS 9.5 really a PSA 10?
a PSA 10 has a little more leeway for defects than a BGS 10, but this doesn’t mean every PSA 10 is less worth than his equal in BGS 10, there are certainly PSA 10 cards that could crossgrade to a BGS 10.
BGS 9.5 is a bit tricky, you could have 10/10/9.5/9.5 subgrades or 9.5/9.5/9.5/9 subgrades. The difference between a 9.5 and a 9 subgrade is substantial, that little bit of whitening on edges that caused a 9 subgrade, could very well be enough to not give it a PSA 10.
Here is a thread to checkout discussing a cross-grade. It varies on a card by card basis. There is no universal answer that one grade at BGS will result in another at PSA. The higher the grade at one company, the more likely to result in a strong grade at another. A BGS 10 can command more because it offers an evaluation above “gem mint”, the designation given to a BGS 9.5 and PSA 10. Once again, additional value varies by the card and the existence of a buyer who thinks that a card should carry a premium with that designation.
The best BGS 9s are PSA 9s.
The best PSA 9s are BGS 9.5s.
The best BGS 9.5s are PSA 10s.
The best PSA 10s are BGS 10s.
The best BGS 10s are ‘Black Label’ BGS 10s.
BGS 10 > PSA 10 > BGS 9.5 > PSA 9 > BGS 9
PSA grades then go sequentially with BGS grades below 9 being too inconsistent to rank alongside the PSA counterparts.
That is generally speaking. For well fleshed out cards this holds true. Basically just Charizard base 1st is fully fleshed out. BGS 10 is going to be a lot less liquid than PSA 10 though. SOME PSA 10’s could be BGS 10’s as some PSA 9’s could be BGS 9.5 but it is hard to climb the chain. MOST cards but not all could go down the chain. E.g. most BGS 10’s would cross to be PSA 10’s, most BGS 9.5’s would be PSA 9.
Two years ago I submitted the best PSA 10 1st Holos that I collected over 18 years. I probably had a dozen of each to choose from and picked out the very best. If I recall right, it was about two dozen I crossed over at Beckett’s. NOT A SINGLE ONE was given a 10. I was soooo disappointed. I figured a couple of my best evers, would cross over to a 10. But nooooo…
So my point? The best PSA 10s are NOT BGS 10s.
BGS 10 just seems like marketing to me, aside from the inconsistencies I feel like I can judge whether a card will grade a PSA 9 or PSA 10. But with BGS 10 it just seems like a lottery ticket you roll the dice and see if you get lucky, I would have no confidence cracking out a BGS 10 and resubmitting to get the BGS 10 again, with PSA 10 I am way more confident it would crossover again, I think that says a lot.