Got a bit of an OCD question and I can’t decide which way seems better, but for WOTC sets I’m trying to decide whether I put all of the unlimited cards then all the 1st edition cards in my binders, or if I do each of them side by side (so 1/102, 1/102 (1st edition), 2/102, 2/102 (1st edition) etc).
I find it more appealable to put them side by side. Also, if I show someone who isn’t as savvy with pokemon my binder collection (which will be more likely to spark nostalgia for them) and all of the cards are side by side, if gives me an easier opportunity to explain the differences between 1st ed, shadowless, and unlimited, etc.
I separate 1st Edition and Unlimited. It’s not as aesthetic to look at two of the same card to me, and feels more nostalgic to see one complete set at a time.
For Base – same binder since I use a 3x3 so it looks pleasing to have 1st Ed / Shadowless / Unlimited take up a row. For every other set, including things like reverse holo sets, I separate
Thanks for all the advice guys, I think I’ll follow the reverse holo pattern and have them side by side I seem to prefer that. I’ll also do the same with the promo cards (non-holo, theme deck exclusives, prerelease etc.).
@garyis2000 Not necessarily because I wasn’t sure on what the “correct” way was to me. I like to get the opinions of people who’ve been doing it far longer than me to make a more education decision which feels right. I was probably being overkill when I said it was OCD, but it’s actually one of the 4 types - Symmetry & Arranging.
I do the exact same way for my base set as Scott’s base set here. But I keep my first editions stored away in slabs. The three versions in my binder are shadowless, unlimited then 4the edition
If it’s a modern set I like to use a 4x3 binder and have 12 copies of the same card on each page through out the set.
If it’s a set that requires more financial investment then I stick to one copy of each card but one of each variant. E.g 1st ed, shaowless, unlimited and i just do that in a 3x3 binder.