Birthday purchase help

Hi E4! Today’s my birthday and I’m trying to decide what to get. I’m in between two options. Both of them I really like. I have about $800 to spend. I’m asking just for fun. What would you pick if you had the choice.

Grand party psa 10
Japanese gold stars psa 10

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Grand Party because they are hype.
Japanese Gold Stars because they are underappreciated.

Start with a cake :blush:


@rainbowneosking Happy birthday!

That being said, id just go with whatever you enjoy more, seeing as it is a birthday gift! Take your pick, enjoy it, and have a great day!


“If it is your birthday, flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage. buy the gold star. If tails, buy the Grand Party!”


Thanks for the quick responses guys :blush:

The grand party is $800. I’m just trying to determine if it’s a fair price. It’s a super cool card. I’m a small tier collector so making good choices is vital. Don’t want to overpay on a card. That being said, despite it being my birthday I’m not overextending. I keep my finances and my hobby money in two separate locations.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday.

Why are you asking other people what you would like more?

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It’s not necessary asking what I would like more. I’m just curious to hear what others would choose given the option. It’s more of just a fun question, not a (wHat sHoULd i iNvESt iN) question. I just like gauging interest. I’m gonna go with grand party.


Grand Party

Happy birthday!

May your birthday party be grand!

I would pick grand party simply because it has unique artwork and has no english equivalent.


i mean it hss party in the name…

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Have a grand birthday party :blush: