Bitcoin Halving

The next halving of bitcoin is projected to take place in about 2 weeks. The last two times BTC had its halving was followed by huge gains, not immediately after but a little later on. Anyone else excited to see what happens? Any predictions?


I’m excited but not for your expected “huge gains”, I’m excited because Bitcoin resists and it’s just matter of time to become bigger and bigger. Now we can be pretty sure that Bitcoin can’t be stopped.
I’ve bought bandai carddass named “Satoshi” (which is Ash in japanese) because of Bitcoin :stuck_out_tongue:


Anticipating 13k by September.

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I didn’t say I expect huge gains, I said the last two times the halving took place huge gains happened afterwards, but not immediately. I own a few BTC so I am hoping for huge gains but I am not expecting it.

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BTC up 17%+ last 24 hours

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I’d rather buy gold than digital notes. I think once we have space travel to other planet I will be more interest in digital currency. I like the finite stuff.


Big problem with gold is that every year we get better and better at finding it (probably start using robots at some point) and we get more efficient at mining as well, so cost per oz to mine declines. Meanwhile, most gold is going into stuff that is either investment grade (coins) or stuff that can be recycled. Very little of it “leaves the system” so to speak.

Bitcoin on the other hand, is geometric decay algorithm with less and less new bitcoins being produced. That makes for quite an interesting economic experiment so to speak.


If we’re going to talk about issues with gold let’s not forget, there are some big problems with bitcoin in that it cost a little electricity to go through the block chains. As those block chains keep getting bigger it cost more and more to do a transaction. Eventually it’ll cost too much to be a proper currency.

Because of this there will be a time bitcoin will fail. It’s like a ticking time bomb and a lot of people who are invested in bitcoin have no clue about this issue. I haven’t done a lot of research, but I’m sure there’s crypto out there that fixes this issue that’s more likely to be a, currency of the future, so to speak. But bitcoin is the most well known for now so it benefits the most.

If someone is interested in bitcoin, you can get some information here:

wouldn’t that cost get factored into it?

No. The way bitcoin works is it adds a new blockchain after each transaction to keep up with security, this why people mine bitcoins to solve these complex equations to add to the blockchain, each new blockchain costs a fraction of a cent of electricity to complete. It’s only a matter of time till that block chain is so long that it’ll cost a bunch of money to complete a single transaction.

Think of it as raising fees, if PayPal started out charging 1/1,000 of a cent, but each new transaction increases it 1/1,000 of a cent after a million transactions it’ll cost $10 to complete a transaction. How long till the fees are too much to make PayPal a viable option?

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Thanks for bring up that point. I had never heard of it up until that point and it does seem like a real issue. I’m still learning about it and seems while bitcoin is the largest and most valuable, the later cryptocurrency seem to be adding improvements. Bitcoin doesn’t seem like it has plans to make any changes.

Any thoughts on the price action post halving?

Seems to be buy the rumour sell the news, but wondering if a crypto investor can tell me more.

I’m happy to see cryptocurrency interest alive and well on E4

The price hasn’t done much, I don’t know what to expect but I wouldnt be surprised to see a decline then possibly upward movement closer to Christmas time.

My main concern is all the paper trading done with gold stocks that affect “Spot” price. My main thinking is you can’t print gold and central banks hold a portion of it so it has some value in their eyes. My goals with gold are long term, I want to hold onto my asset for at least 5 years before thinking about selling.

Never understood spending money on fake money hoping it gains value only to have to cash out to get real money back.
Total thing seems like a Ponzi scheme

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What’s the real scam?


USD is fake money as well. When you look in your bank account, you’re seeing digital numbers from your bank app. It’s the same thing with cryptocurrency. Those coins just represent different values in relation to USD, same as if you were holding other currencies such as CAD, YEN, and EURO.

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I understand it.
But people act like is fool proof.
It will still go up for awhile
I would be lying if I didn’t wish I could go back and listen to a co worker who told me about it 11 years ago.
But many big competitors could be hitting the stage soon. Apple, google, large banks and entire countries will be entering the game. It could crash the price as soon as they do

And the US dollar is backed by a few things
1- oil is traded in USD
2- the American military.

So true the USD does not have gold backing it any more. It is still backed by other assets.