I hear alot about the base set box variants and the blue wing box for me is an interesting one being that it is the most common and the one most recognise from their childhood (due to the limited print of the others). I thought an interesting topic would be based on the following questions.
Would you consider it to be a rare item now as so many were opened or were there just so many of this variant made that the supply will not dry up anytime soon?
I am noticing a rise in box breaks do you think this has the potential to dry up the market on such and iconic box, leading to a spike in price or do you think the box price is tied to the value of the unlimited charizard psa 10 value?
Where do you see this item heading in the next 5 to 10 years?
Do you see any older sealed product buy outs in the future of pokemon similar to what we have seen in Magic?
Id love to hear some insight with there being so much knowledge and experience amongst members here on e4.
Any sealed WOTC booster box has incredible value. Period.
Sealed product acts much differently than cards because it is finite. Every time someone opens a WOTC pack, that’s just another piece of sealed product that will never be available again.
There will still be ample supply of WOTC sealed product for the next several years, but it will dry up more and more as time passes.
BLUE WINGS will be a good one to keep around. it is popular and always will be because it’s one of the originals. yes, as supply diminishes, these boxes will go up slowly. 1st edition is stupid rare and shadowless is all about luck finding one. i personally love the shadowless set, but getting a legit box is very difficult.
Speaking of sealed shadowless boxes, did anyone see the shadowless box get listed two days ago on ebay and then delisted? I spoke with the seller and he decided to delist and just accept offers in the future. It was a green wing, one country code, clear wrap, trading card game text at the bottom of packs.
As for the blue wing boxes, I see it as a staple in collecting. I’m on the hunt for one with crisp corners ever since I sold mine in 2012 for $400 ish dollars.
I did the exact same thing with two back in 2012/2013. I had two of them I picked up for $100 each and I was so happy to make a nice gain on them. Looking back… yikes.