Booster Pack Protection (Sleeves/Card Saver)

Hello, I am collecting Pokemon Packs (Wotc-HGSS) and I want to find a good way to protect the Booster packs.
I know 2 different variants:
-Tarot card Sleeves (7 cent per slot)
-Card Saver 1 + PSA case sleeve (32 cent per slot)

I would love to have this question answered but also would like to know why I should protect my pack. A saved Pack is good when it falls down and if it is getting shipped. But there has to be more, I guess? Do packs bent over time without protection, or anything I didnt mention what could happen to a pack? (My packs are displayed on ultra pro card stands).

Booster Packs in Card Saver 1s? Don’t do it, don’t try it, don’t even think about it.

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You’ll find that the big boys like ZandG (jcincy here) send packs with a card saver 1 as a backing board and in a perfect sleeve/psa sleeve. Seems to work well


Buy some psa perfect fit graded sleeves, they’re the best thing I’ve found to use as they give the pack a little movement but not a lot, you can fold the top down and seal it, and then score the top of the sleeve to make sure it has a nice tight fit, the shiny plastic makes the packs glisten also :ok_hand:t5:

Please don’t put them in card savers I won’t be able to sleep tonight :rofl:

In response to them bending, I’ve collected packs for around 8 years now and haven’t noticed them bend, currently have them stored in a psa graded card box vertically ( the sleeves help keep them rigid )

In terms of dropping them, I’ve dropped my fossil packs, with the psa card sleeves on, and didn’t notice any damage, but I have noted them to make sure that I never sell them particular packs as it would be unfair incase the cards inside was damaged, but I think the graded sleeves provide a good amount of protection,

As for the cards inside, I think they can become worn if you was to move the packs around a lot, but they should be able to take a fair amount of movement.

I do it the same way as mentioned before, a card saver as the backing with a graded card sleeve around them.

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I mean as backing board.


I recommend placing them in Ultra Pro 4x6 toploaders.

I used to look for good solutions, and this is now what I do. I put the packs in Superior Innovations Booster Pack Sleeve that is a one touch seal like a team bag, and then put that in a Tarot Card sleeve. To me, I like the protection and the look of these the best.