So I’m fairly ignorant when it comes to the details, heck even big obvious stuff, about collecting high value Pokémon product. So it just strikes me as strange that a booster box of say Jungle is $1250 while a pack of the same is as little as $15-20. Why is that? Shouldn’t the value of a box be closer to that of 36 packs? Basically, why aren’t boxes worth opening?
Boxes are higher valued because it guarantees the packs aren’t going to be weighed, especially with the older sets. There are probably less sealed boxes than groups of packs opened from boxes so the rarity also really drives up the price. It’s not really worth opening a box if you’re trying to make money but lots of people open boxes for nostalgic purposes. Pokemon is experiencing a peak in popularity right now. All of this drives the price of sealed boxes up
With wotc releases the boxes hold 12 Holo foils. Loose Packs, chances are, are weighed and contain NO holos.
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You’re limiting the amount of people who want the product once you open the box