As most people know, requesting a seller to ship to another address not on the buyers account violates ebay policy. The seller loses their protection.
Recently I had a buyer purchase and pay for an item. I shipped to the address on the account. They message me to ship to another address, and received this message today after it was delivered:
Well you should just cancelled and refunded then and there if they messaged immediately to send to different address, sending it after receiving that message is just asking for headache.
Now? I guess I’d tell him to open a case and then call eBay to explain and see if they can side with you.
They messaged after shipment. I forgot to mention that in the initial post here. And I responded to their rage message how it’s against policy to ship to another address.
The non refundable PP fee is frustrating. I typically eat it on most transactions, even though it’s absurd.
Anyway I appreciate the responses. 99% of my transactions are fine, just that <1% outliers that cause the most headaches!
That’s new. I didn’t know they don’t refund the PayPal fee. In the far distant past I did a double PayPal transaction for insurance. It was a $1500 order from Indonesia. We were trading equivalent value items and had never dealt with each other. We both “paid” for each other’s trade just in case. In this new scenario we can’t refund each other.
It’s ebay’s fault for making it so difficult to spend the 30 seconds it takes to change your current address, and so easy to instead write a message to each seller you buy from asking them to ship to a new address instead.
If you go with the refund route I’d call PayPal and get them to confirm you won’t pay fees and get the paypal agent’s name. I made a thread around a month ago about a similar situation except they messaged me before shipment and PayPal said I wouldn’t have to pay fees on the refunds because that rule is only for new accounts. I also heard other ppl with older accounts (like you) DID pay fees on the refund so it’s all very unclear
The guy is completely arrogant and quite a jerk. Tracking says delivered so meaning now some random person accepted your package and you have no way of getting it back? In that case no I would not refund that buyer. I wouldnt want to lose my money on their mistake. If they had that address before it must have been recent meaning they can probably visit that address or contact the person now at that address to get the package. They messed up let them fix it you did exactly what you were supposed to do. If the package was rejected and is on its way back to you then thats the situation where I would refund them.