buying single cards to complete binder sets

Hey gang,

I’m trying to complete an unlimited base binder set and was wondering the best way to obtain single non-graded cards? I see a bunch on Ebay but wasn’t sure if that was the best way to go about it. I’ve only purchased random bulk lots of cards where I take out some that I like for my sets and give the others away to my kid patients.

Thanks for your help.


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If you’re interested in purchasing individual cards; I could definitely help! Believe I have all Non-Holo Base Set Cards in NM/M Condition. Just shoot me a message if you’re interested in going that route and we’ll go from there!

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Ebay or TT for singles. You can probably knock out the U/C on larger stores in one order. With Base Unlimited you have a ton of flexibility. Outside of the big holos, everything is always available on ebay or larger stores.

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Best dentist ever.


I’d also suggest your local card shop if you are near one. You can usually find common and uncommon singles for 10 cents a piece.

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Cardmarket is also good if you live in Europe. I’ve gotten some good deals on base unlimited cards in bulk.

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No on has mentioned tcgplayer but between them and trollandtoad, I think that is where you would get your best bang for your buck. ebay is a toss up and wouldn’t be worth it for cards under $2.00 since the seller will factor in shipping costs. For cards more than $2.00 you might be able to snipe or find negotiate a best offer with the seller. I personally like your bulk method though, I’m sure a lot of people on here have hit some gold mines using that method.

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