Can anyone identify this clear plastic Charizard card?

I asked about this a little while ago but no one seemed to know what this card is from, figured I’d check again because I’d love to have some info on it! Perhaps if someone here can read Japanese they could help decipher the text on the card? Thanks for any help yall!

So basically the card says nothing about where/when it was produced but I was bored so I went ahead and translated the whole thing anyway lmao

The text at the top says


Which is just Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation aka Ruby and Sapphire hence the red and blue text. Big white リザードン under Charizard just says Charizard. The box of text is

かえんポケモン (flame pokemon ie: the flavor text under the portrait of pokemon cards)
タイプ:ほのお/ひこう (type: fire/flying)
とくいわざ:ほのおのうず (signature move: fire spin)

and then at the bottom of the card

ミス HP 0 (I may just be sleepy but idfk what this means. ミス means miss/mistake/failure to complete so maybe this is the HP cost if you miss your attack somehow?? Or maybe it’s if you miss then you deal 0 HP? I’m just guessing honestly)
ほのおのうず HP+4 (fire spin HP+4. Also don’t know what this means contextually but that’s the translation)

Very bottom copyright is
Nintendo Creatures GAME FREAK TV Tokyo ShoPro JR Kikaku Pokemon


^^^ Boredom can be a good thing.

Did some digging using the Japanese text thanks to @nish, looks like it most likely came from these “TOMY Pollock Cases” that I’m guessing dispensed a type of candy.

Have no idea on how many sets/cards there were, though, but the graphics are similar and as you can see there’s some variation per set.


Thanks so much for the help! The “Advanced Generation” part could be useful for sure, though a Google image search isn’t yielding me anything similar haha.

Sorry there weren’t any clear answers. All I was really able to tell you is that that card is 18-14 years old :stuck_out_tongue:
I did find something interesting though.
This toy has the same logo as the card, (which was used a lot granted) and behind the figure the background has a similar horizontal stripe as the card. It might be unrelated, but figured I’d mention it

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Hold on, I found others! Sadly there’s absolutely 0 information given about them here, it just says the sellers name and where it’s shipping from along with the cards being called “Pokemon advanced generation” which we already knew from the logo.

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I bet the part you didn’t really get was a retreat cost

I don’t think so. にげる is retreat in the TCG and as far as I know ミス doesn’t mean retreat/withdraw in any context. If an actual Japanese person or more fluent speaker wants to chime in that would be much appreciated cause I’m sketchy at best :stuck_out_tongue:

plus, have they ever had a mechanic where you retreat for health instead of energy?

That’s awesome that you found some! And it does seem likely that they came with some sort of toy considering that they share the same “Advanced Generation” logo with so many toys of the era. I suppose that’s the most info I’ll get on this bad boy for the time being, thanks so much for taking the time to translate the card and scour a few sites! Maybe I’ll buy those other two and see if I can complete this obscure set haha.

Hey there,

just looking at the design of the card, I would guess that it was part of some kind of Pokedex toy. I’ve got similiar looking cards in my collection that were made to be put into a Pokedex so that different information on the card which you can’t see by the naked eye become visible. Regarding your Charizard there are also 3 boxes (HP+SP+Check) in which hidden information seem to be written. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to identify the exact toy. However, the ones I have were all made by Tomy. What’s the size of your card?

Greetings from Germany,


Oh interesting! I would say that the card is close to standard TCG size, although perhaps a bit smaller. I can get exact dimensions next time that I’m home. For a rough sense of scale, it’s in a normal size Ultra Pro penny sleeve in the pictures I uploaded.

Hey there,
thanks for the information. So the card is definitely bigger than mine. Really interesting. Have never noticed them before.

PS: If someone would like to start a collection, there is actually also a Lugia on sale right now but in very bad condition: Lugia

(The description of the item only states that it is very old and was kept in a card file)

Hey there,
found another auction on Mercari with Pikachu, Charmander, Mewtwo and the exact same Charizard: Mercari
According to this auction those type of cards are called “skeleton cards” (スケルトンカード).

To make it complete: Four more cards in this auction: Mercari