I have a collection of specifically Gen. 1 cards in a binder from 1993 and I have absolutely no idea what it’s worth. These cards from mixed sets; 66 Base set, 46 Jungle set, and 40 Fossil set. 27 Holos total (3 are 1st editions), 20 are 1st editions (17 non-holos), 2 Promos (1 is a holo), and the rest are regular cards.
*1st Edition Cards:-Pikachu (Base) -Tentacool (Fossil) -Grimer (Fossil) -Koffing (Base)
-Parasect (Jungle) -Geodude (Fossil) -Shellder (Fossil) -Rhyhorn (Jungle)
-Diglett (Base) -Slowpoke (Fossil) -Ghastly (Fossil) -Rhydon (Jungle)
-Poliwhirl (Base) -Magnemite (Base) -Haunter (Fossil; Holo) -Tangela (Base)
-Machamp (Base; Holo) -Seel (Base) -Hypno (Fossil; Holo) -Magikarp (Base)
1st Edition Trainer Cards: 1st Edition Energy Cards:
-Professor Oak (Base) -Super Potion (Base) -Electricity (x2)
-Lass (Base) -Switch (Base x2) -Fire
-Pokémon Center (Base) -Gust of Wind (Base) -Rock
-Pokédex (Base x2) -Gambler (Fossil)
*Holographic Cards:-Venasaur (Base) -Ninetails (Base) -Gengar (Fossil) -Vaporeon (Jungle)
-Charizard (Base; NOT 1st Ed.) -Vileplume (Jungle) -Hypno (Fossil; 1st Ed.) -Kabutops (Fossil)
-Blastoise (Base) -Poliwrath (Base) -Hitmonchan (Base) -Moltres (Fossil)
-Pidgeot (Jungle) -Alakazam (Base) -Chansey (Base) -Mewtwo (Base)
-Raichu (Base (NOT PR);Fossil) -Machamp (Base; 1st Ed.) -Kengaskhan (Jungle) -Mew (Promo)
-Nidoking (Base) -Muk (Fossil) -Gyrados (Base) -Ancient Mew
-Clefairy (Base) -Haunter (Fossil; 1st Ed.) -Lapras (Fossil)
*Pokémon from 2 Sets:-Pikachu (Base (1st Ed.); Jungle) -Haunter (Base; Fossil (1st Ed./Holo))
-Raichu (Base (Holo); Fossil (Holo)) -Electabuzz (Base; Promo (Kids WB Presents Pokémon The First Movie))
-Ghastly (Base; Fossil (1st Ed.))
*Promo Cards:-Electabuzz (Kids WB Presents Pokémon The First Movie)
-Mew (Holo)
*Doubles of Cards:
-Professor Oak (x2) -Energy Removal (x3) -Psychic Energy (x7)
-Pokédex (x2; one 1st Ed.) -Revive (x2) -Fire Energy (x11; one 1st Ed.)
-Super Potion (x2; one 1st Ed.) -Switch (x4; two 1st Ed.) -Rock Energy (x15; two 1st Ed.)
-Potion (x3) -Earth Energy (x3)
-Plus Power (x2) -Electricity Energy (x5; two 1st Ed.)
I also have 52 Japanese cards from mixed sets; 42 Gym set, 6 Team Rocket Set, and 4 Fossil Set.
*Japanese Cards:
-Weedle (Gym) -Abra (Gym; T. Rocket) -Krabby (Fossil)
-Kakuna (Gym) -Kadabra (Gym) -Rhyhorn (Gym)
-Pikachu (Gym) -Tentacruel (Fossil) -Horsea (Fossil)
-Sandshrew (Gym) -Ponyta (Gym; T. Rocket) -Tauros (Gym)
-Nidoran (Gym; Female) -Rapidash (Gym) -Magikarp (x2 different; Both Gym)
-Nidoqueen (Gym) -Slowpoke (Gym; Fossil) -Porygon (Gym; T. Rocket)
-Vulpix (x2 Different; Both Gym) -Magnemite (T. Rocket) -Trainer Cards (x12)
-Zubat (Gym) -Dodrio (Gym) -2 sets of doubles (same card)
-Golbat (Gym) -Seel (Gym)
-Meowth (Gym) -Grimer (Gym)
-Golduck (Gym) -Muk (Gym)
-Mankey (Gym; T. Rocket) -Ghastly (Gym)
-Growlith (Gym) -Hypno (Gym)
**Trainer Cards:** -Gym x 11
-T. Rocket x1
-Fossil x0