What cards out there do you find are quite simply just very appealing? It could be due to colors of the card, the way a holo/reverse holo version of it looks, what’s going on in the artwork, the style of the artwork, etc…
The reverse holo varient of crystal beach from EX crystal guardians is the card for me! Just look at this picturesque beauty!
I find the vibrant colors appealing to start with, I love the blues used and the green on the rocks. And the pink crystals are a nice contrast too the blue crystals too! And the luster of the sparking crystals is a nice touch as well. Then there’s the vibe of a secluded tropical beach and the serene water and slightly cloudy sky, it seems like a most wonderful place to be! Then throw the shine in on top of all that from it being a reverse holo and it just freaking rules.
Sumiyoshi Kizuki is my favourite Pokémon card artist. I wish there were more cards in this style. I’d love to own large canvases of these two cards to hang up on my wall.
Honestly any Espeon or Ninetales card, my favorite of which is Neo Discovery Espeon:
Another underappreciated card is Dark Hypno. The warped eye background with sharp color contrasts with the holo pattern on the Japanese version is stunning:
And of course, gotta talk about Gyarados - my favorite art being the English Holon Phantoms Gyarados Delta Prerelease: