Heeey i’m a caterpie collector and i need some cards for completing my collection
Dutch base set 1st edition
German neo discovery 1st edition
German ex firered leafgreen foil
French expedition foil
Italy neo discovery 1st edition
Spanish base set 1999-2000
Spanish neo discovery unl
Spanish neo discovery 1st
Spanish great encounters foil
Portugese heart gold soul silver unl
Portugese heart gold soul silver foil
Portugese xy generations unl
Japanese base set no rarity
Japanese expedition unl
JP ex fire red leaf green unl
JP ex fire red leaf green 1st
JP great encounters unl
JP great encounters 1st
JP heart gold.soul silver unl
JP heart gold soul silver 1st
JP generations unl
Korea base set unl
Korea base set 1st
Korea generations unl and
China base set 1st
Let me double check later, but I don’t believe the Spanish and Portuguese foils you need exist. I think Spanish stopped printing foil prior to HGSS and began again with XY or BW. Portuguese has stopped printing foils since the old ex series.
Portuguese indeed has no XY Reverse Holos, and I recently heard they also lack HGSS Reverse Holos from my Brazilian contact (which will hopefully soon buy some cards for me…)
As for the Spanish I had no idea. That’s why I’m unable to find the Spanish HGSS Reverse Holo Pikachu. (Then again, I’m missing a few other Reverse Holo Spanish Pikachus/Sevipers as well… )
Once again to clarify. Spanish doesnt have RH’s for 4th gen sets EXCEPT HGSS and Unleashed. So from your list, you could remove:
Spanish great encounters foil
Portugese heart gold soul silver unl
Portugese heart gold soul silver foil
You might also want to confirm this, but there might be a Vending series Caterpie without the rarity symbol. I forgot what set it belongs to, but my Voltorb is like this.
Spanish 1999-2000 has been confirmed to be printed in Latin America, so you might want to try limiting your search to North America for the last one.
This one shouldn’t be removed… I know the Portuguese HG&SS Pikachu exists, so it would be odd if it doesn’t for Caterpie… :S The Reverse Holo can indeed be removed for the Portuguese HGSS, but non-holo not.
Dutch base set 1st edition
German neo discovery 1st edition
German ex firered leafgreen foil
French expedition foil
Italy neo discovery 1st edition
Spanish base set 1999-2000
Spanish neo discovery unl
Spanish neo discovery 1st
Portugese heart gold soul silver unl
Portugese xy generations unl
Japanese base set no rarity
Japanese expedition unl
JP ex fire red leaf green unl
JP ex fire red leaf green 1st
JP great encounters unl
JP great encounters 1st
JP heart gold.soul silver unl
JP heart gold soul silver 1st
JP generations unl
Korea base set unl
Korea base set 1st
Korea generations unl and
China base set 1st
Dutch base set 1st edition
German neo discovery 1st edition
German ex firered leafgreen foil
French expedition foil
Italy neo discovery 1st edition
Spanish neo discovery unl
Spanish neo discovery 1st
Portugese heart gold soul silver unl
Portugese xy generations unl
Japanese base set no rarity
Japanese expedition unl
JP ex fire red leaf green unl
JP great encounters unl
JP great encounters 1st
JP heart gold.soul silver unl
JP heart gold soul silver 1st foil
Korea base set unl
Korea base set 1st
Korea generations unl and
China base set 1st