im new at this site
But i want to show you guys my collection of caterpie’s and down below i show which one’s i still need, if u see 1 that i’ve missed you can always send me a message
I’ve got so far
**** T.C.G. ****
Vending machine
- Japanese (psa 10)
Base set
- English unlimted (psa 10)
- English unlimited shadowless (psa 9)
- English 1st thin stamp shadowless (psa 9)
- English 1st grey thin stamp shadowless
- English 4th print 1999-2000 (psa 10)
- Dutch unlimited
- Dutch 1st stamp
- German unlimited
- German 1st stamp (psa 10)
- French unlimited
- French 1st stamp (psa 9)
- Italian unlimited
- Italian 1st stamp
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish 1st stamp
- Spanish unlimited 4th print 1999-2000
- Spanish 1st stamp 4th print 1999-2000 (psa 9)
- Portugese unlimited
- Portugese 1st stamp (psa 10)
- Japanese unlimited (psa 9)
- Japanese no rarity (psa 9)
- Korean unlimited (missing)
- Korean 1st stamp (psa 9)
- Chinese unlimited
- Chinese 1st stamp
Base set 2
- English unlimited
Neo discovery
- English unlimited
- English unlimited (square cut errror)
- English 1st stamp (psa 9)
- German unlimited
- German 1st stamp
- French unlimited
- French 1st stamp
- Italian unlimited
- Italian 1st stamp
- Japanese unlimited
Neo destiny (light wigglytuff)
- English unlimited
- English 1st stamp
- German unlimited
- German 1st stamp
- French unlimited
- French 1st stamp
- Italian unlimited
- Italian 1st stamp
- Japanese unlimited
Legendary set
- English unlimited (psa 10)
- English reversed foil (psa 9)
Expedition set
- English unlimited (psa 10)
- English reversed foil (psa 9)
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Japanese 1st stamp
Ex fire red & leaf green
- English unlimited LET - 636 - XB5
- English unlimited LET - 636 - YF6
- English unlimited LET - 636 - YG3
- English holo foil LET - 636 - 70P
- German unlimited LET - 636 - XB5
- German unlimited LET - 636 - YF6
- German unlimited LET - 636 - YG3
- German holo foil LET - 636 - 70P
- French unlimited LET - 636 - XB5
- French unlimited LET - 636 - YF6
- French unlimited LET - 636 - YG3
- French holo foil LET - 636 - 70P
- Italian unlimited LET - 636 - XB5
- Italian unlimited LET - 636 - YF6
- Italian unlimited LET - 636 - YG3
- Italian holo foil LET - 636 - 70P
- Japanese unlimited E46 - DV6 - ENP
- Japanese unlimited E46 - DV6 - U3X
- Japanese unlimited E46 - DV6 - 2B5 (missing)
- Japanese unlimited E46 - DV6 - 4QG (missing)
- Japanese 1st stamp E46 - DV6 - ENP
- Japanese 1st stamp E46 - DV6 - U3X
- Japanese 1st stamp E46 - DV6 - 2B5
- Japanese 1st stamp E46 - DV6 - 4QG
Diamond and pearl great encounters
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Japanese unlimited
- Japanese 1st stamp
Heartgold & soulsilver
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese unlimited
- Japanese 1st stamp
- Japanese 1st stamp reversed foil
Xy flashfire
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil (psa 9)
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese unlimited
- Russian unlimited
- Russian reversed foil
- Japanese 1st stamp
- Korean unlimited
Xy generations
- English unlimited
- English unlimited miscut error
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese unlimited
- Japanese unlimited
- Korean unlimited
Xy evolutions
- English unlimited
- English unlimited (dark green error)
- English reversed foil (psa 9)
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Japanese 1st stamp
- Korean unlimited
Sun & moon
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese unlimited
- Portugese reversed foil
- Japanese unlimited
- Thailand unlimited (coming)
S & m lycanroc half deck
- English unlimited
- German unlimited
- French unlimited
- Italian unlimited
- Spanish unlimited
- Portugese unlimited
S & m burning shadows
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese unlimited
- Portugese reversed foil
- Japanese unlimited
- Korean unlimited
S & m unbroken bonds (full metal wall)
- English unlimited
- English reversed foil
- German unlimited
- German reversed foil
- French unlimited
- French reversed foil
- Italian unlimited
- Italian reversed foil
- Spanish unlimited
- Spanish reversed foil
- Portugese umlimited
- Portugese reversed foil
- Japanese unlimited
- Korean unlimited (missing)
S & m family pack
- Japanese unlimited
**** Special TCG ****
Expedition sample card
**** Pokemon topps ****
Us blue topps normal
Us blue topps silver foil
Us blue topps rainbow foil
Us black topps normal
Us black topps silver foil
Us black topps silver rays foil
Us black topps rainbow rays foil
Us green topps normal
Us black topps silver flames foil
Us black topps rainbow flames foil (missing)
Us red topps normal
Us black topps silver balls foil
Us black topps rainbow balls foil
Us normal chrome
Us spectral chrome
Us sparkle chrome
Us tekno chrome (missing)
Eu blue topps english normal
Eu blue topps english silver foil
Eu blue topps german normal
Eu blue topps german silver foil
Eu blue topps french normal
Eu blue topps french silver foil
Eu blue topps italian normal
Eu blue topps italian silver foil
Eu blue topps spanish normal
Eu blue topps spanish silver foil
Eu blue topps portugese normal
Eu blue topps portugese silver foil
Us blue topps ep 3 normal
Us blue topps ep 3 silver foil
Us blue topps ep 3 rainbow foil
Us blue topps sticker
Us black topps sticker
Us white topps ev1 of 12 stage 1
If you see something wrong or you know more caterpie’s please tell me,
I hope you all like this collection
Regards robert