CGC to BGS Cross Grading (No Case Cracking)

Hi all. Im interested in crossing a card from CGC to BGS. The card in question is a fan club magikarp that graded a 7.5 and I think it could grade a bit higher with BGS but I rather not crack it from the case for obvious reasons. Has anyone ever had success with doing a review or do they find the only way to get a better grade is to crack it from the case? I think it’s a strong contener for a BGS 8 at least, but don’t want to risk it being passed over as to avoid being cracked.

You have to crack it

In my experience, anything under BGS 9 is pretty murky territory. It’s definitely possible that you will be successful in crossing a CGC 7.5 to BGS 8. Worst thing that they can say is no (and you losing the associated dollars).

I would always recommend cracking and submitting, but I can see why you would not want to here.