Check out these grades :)

After spotting something i found amusing and putting a quick post in unpopular opinions it got me thinking about what other subgrades with getgraded can get you a pristine 10 heres some examples. If someone from getgraded frequents here it would be great hearing from them about this because to me this is odd. 4 9.5s gets you a pristine 10. 1 9, 2 9.5s and a 10 gets you a pristine 10. While 1 9, 1 9.5 and 2 10s gets you a 9.5.


I wish my college professors rounded up as hard as these graders did.


I haven’t graded with GG at all but these grades make no sense at all from a mathematical point of view.

Glaceon GX: 9.5 + 9 + 9.5 + 10 = 38 and 38/4 = 9.5
Shrine of Punishment: 10 + 9.5 + 10 + 9 = 38.5 and 38.5/4 = 9.625
Jirachi: Quad 9.5s is easy as 38/4 = 9.5

So your highest total got the lowest grade.

They also swap the order of the “Surfaces/Centering/Edges/Corners” to “Surfaces/Corners/Edges/Centering” on the middle card which is not aesthetically pleasing at all.

Maths are hard though.


The overall numerical grade is not an average of the four subgrades; instead every grading company uses a different secret formula to calculate their final-grade values. These would have all received a “9.5” using BGS’s grading scale, but GetGraded must use a more forgiving algorithm to calculate their final grade.

There’s more information about how BGS does it here, including browser implementations to generate your own results using their algorithm.


Check the japanese trainer card above and explain that one and this one please lol.

Yeah, this makes no sense. At least compared to BGS or CGC.


It literally is total nonsense.


Who the heck would use this grading company? Access to PSA is no longer a valid excuse


Literally. PSA turnaround is like 2-3 weeks

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Only if you pay big ive got too much to grade and i keep an eye on prices.

PSA had $18 pricing during July, there is literally zero use case for using these basement grading companies now.


I shouldve been more clear its not just pricing. Im not a psa member so stuff wasnt available for me for ages although im unsure if membership was open again in july as i stopped looking at that part. I have zero intention of sending off my cards for months and months turnaround and until it becomes like cgc times i wont be. I sent a few cards to my friend in the US who sent them to cgc for me. Im in the UK. From me sending them to him and me getting them back it was about 1 month. Absolutely incredible for 25$ a card at the time. The longer cards are away from you the more things can go wrong after huge effort finding my 3rd print fossil im not sending them away for ages ever.

I’m not a member either, I too used CGC during the boom because of turnaround time and availability. I hate to break it to you but turnaround times wont ever be under 1 month for you in tea land. There is no reason to grade with these basement companies now and you are only devaluing your cards and actually increasing the chance for handling mistakes when you send to them.


Lol i think theres a miscommunication here i havent graded with any of these upstarts i was browsing ebay and noticed a 4 sub 9.5s receive a pristine 10 and thought what the hell is that and after looking further realised they are even worse than i thought. Id only ever grade with psa and cgc. If psa cant match turnaround times next year or only be a bit longer then i may cgc all of them. Ive held off to see what standard service will be when everythings settled.

I assume GG grades easier (or rounds up final grades) to keeps their customers happy, but it ruins their reputation and credibility, especially when compared to the current standards of their competition. The takeaway from this; GetGraded’s “Pristine 10” cards cannot and should not be compared/priced to PSA/CGC/BGS.

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The rounding up isnt the biggest problem.
Two cards with 3 subgrades the same in the same categories scored a 9.5 and 10 overall. The problem is the card with the highest 4th sub scored a 9.5 overall and the card with the lower 4th sub in the same category scored a 10 overall. That part is madness.

You’re right. They either updated their algorithm that calculates the final-grade to be more strict around the time they changed labels to the one the trainer has; or they’re just making shit up as they go. Unfortunately these internal decisions are rarely mentioned to us. Good catch though.

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Im going to see if i can find out.

Sent them a message on instagram ill post here if i get a response.

For some reason it uploads my pictures backwards. Ive tried doing it the other way around on previous posts but still does it. So just read from bottom pic upwards.
This clarifies everything. Just sent post to myself lol.