Hello! Since I made the original post, massive updates have occurred, so I felt the need to move OP to the dropdown below as a way to make room for the current state of my collection. If you’re interested in reading my first post, feel free:
Original Post, 11/26/18
Hello! I’ve lurked here off and on for a while, but now I think it’s time I put this out there.
I collect Haunter cards. I started in December 2016 with just English Unlimited cards, but that soon expanded to 1st Eds, then to other variants, then to including Japanese. I also pick up other languages and whatever has a Haunter on it on the side. My full collection spreadsheet has a detailed breakdown of what I do and don’t have.
As of last night (11/25/18), I have 67 out of (by my count) 77 English/Japanese Haunters, not including super special cases I’m not likely to obtain like misprints, Expansion Pack No Rarity, the Matchprint, and the 2009 Queengar Haunter. If I included the special ones, the count would rise to 83. I also have one in German and one in Korean.
The collection is kept inside a Dex Binder 9, with the TCG cards in Dex Sleeves.
And Quuador, I really want to thank you for your contributions. Earlier this year, I really expanded the collection and it couldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t spent so long making the exhaustive list of every Haunter in existence. You also sold me some of your duplicates that you pulled from storage. You’re a hero, and I truly can’t thank you enough.
Anyway, here’s some ghosts. Sorry for the glare, that’s practically unavoidable where I am. I also included some non-TCG stuff here since it kinda intersected with the foreign cards I have, I hope that’s cool.
Here, I will keep an updated collection gallery. Please enjoy these ghosts!
Main Collection (English and Japanese TCG)
Last update: 12/20/24
Total # collected: 113/113
Nice collection my dude. One of my favorite things about this hobby is that everyone’s collection is so different. I didn’t know about some of the Japanese Haunter cards you have, thanks for sharing!
@lamplamp, it’s so hard to choose a favorite. It’s probably between Vending 3 (the cute one), HGSS Triumphant, and Crimson Invasion.
@mthursty, I guess Queengar is a hard one to find because nobody wants to separate the singles from the whole deck. It’s a 2009 World Tournament deck, so I kinda understand why. Doesn’t make it any less frustrating though.
Haunter is awesome. My favorite is the fossil version. I like the artwork a lot and used to play it in a deck as a kid. By the way, if you have not noticed, the recent Scream Psyduck promo has shadows of Haunter and Gengar in the background.
Glad I could help! And nice to see the collection has grown a bit since last time.
Haunter is also one of my own favorite Pokémon, so it’s cool to see collections like these containing (almost) all artworks. Keep up the great work, and welcome to the forum.
Huh, so the Queengar was actually very cheap and easy. Thank you for showing me that, I sure didn’t think about checking T&T after last time, which to be fair was like 8 months ago.
Now if only I can track down one of those Matchprints you sold, I’ll be set!