I’ve been offered the honor of being a part of the 1st Ed Pokémon box team. For the live stream, we’re going to try to open all four boxes live in an hour and a half. That’ll be a lot of fast action:)
Most come on both days. Saturday will have the concert with Vanilla Ice and Sunday will be the livestream box break.
It’s a huge venue, biggest in the USA I hear, and there’ll be a ton to do. Maybe come for 4 or 5 days and head over to Harry Potter, Epcot Center, DisneyWorld, Universal City Walk, and much more.
Be sure to see me there. Just say you’re from e4. I’ll be all over including greeting the line before the doors open:)
Always nice to see these boxes being opened live and I wish everyone the best of luck.
I hope though the people involved have listened to the many criticisms from past events. Such as having sleeves and card savers to hand at all times. Sleeving all the cards and not just the holos. My personal peeve, to see respect given at all times as these cards belong to someone else.