Collect all Grading Companies

Hey Community

I’m Robert and I’m trying to Collect all Caterpie’s in different grading compagnies,

But i need your help, if you see a grading company that ive missed, please say so

America: 11
*Psa: old slab (9)
*Psa: new slab (10)
*Bgs: Beckett Grading Services (9)
*Cgc: Certified Guaranty Compagny (9)
*Cgc (new slab) (10)
*Gma: Grading & Authentication (10)
Gma (New slab)
Rcg: Revolution Card Grading
Wayne alan grading
Mana grading
Tga: the grading authority

Canada: 4
*Ksa: (9)
Mnt grading
Hof: hall of fame
Koba grading

Netherlands: 8
*Gg: Global Grading
*Ugs: Universal Grading Service
*Atc: Authenticator of Trading Cards (9,5)
*Woetoe grading
Pokestock grading Services
*Bonfire grading (9,5)
Vahalla grading
Ucg: ultimate card grading

Belgium: 1
Bcg: belgian card grading

France: 3
Pca: Profesional Cards Authenticator
CCC: Certificateur de cartes de collection
Pure Grading

Italy: 1

Czechia: 1

Ireland: 1
Cosmic Grading

Poland: 1
ECA Grading

Sweden: 1
Raukcard grading

Germany: 12
Ap Grading
Pgs: Platin Grading Service
Pi Grading
Gold Standard Grading
Absolute Objective Grading
Diamond Grading
M3 Grading
Crown Grading
Cardmarket grading
Prism grading
Black grading
Cloud card grading

United Kingdom: 10
Mgc: Majesty Grading Company
Platinum Card Grading
Pcg: Pocket Card Grading
Pgc: Professional grading co
Get Graded
Ace Grading
Universal Grading Company
*Isa: international sports Authenticator (9)
Treefrog grading
Pg: pokegrade

Australia: 2
Cga: card grading Australia
Tcg: trading card grading

Thailand: 1
Sqc: special quality cards

Brasil: 1

Mgs: Manafix grading

Chile: 1
Lgs: Latam Grading Services

China: 3


Japan :1


Korean: 1


If you know more grading compagnies, tell me please

Kind regards Robert


The other notable Canadian one is MNT Grading

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Ags, Tag and hga are real companies, kinda

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heres the one for Thailand

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There is also SGC, and BCCG is technically different than BGS.

Degree also technically exists…there are a ton of basement “companies” that could make this list explode.

There is also TCG Grading in Australia.

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There’s ARS grading in Japan.

I think they work off a lottery for submission though.

There’s also the Korean company BRG.

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There are also Graad (Italy) and Cardmarket grading (Germany)


There’s one in Brazil called Manafix Grading System (MGS), let me know if you need any help with the process here.

Good luck on your journey!

Adding some more, partially from memory, mostly from just searching on Instagram a bit (There were more companies that closed down, these should all still be active).

Czechia: V-Grading

Germany: Gold Standard Grading (GSG), Absolute Objective Grading (AOG), Diamond Grading, M3 Grading, Crown Grading

UK: Tree Frog Grading, Platinum Card Grading

Canada: Koba Grading

France: CCC Grading, Pure Grading

Ireland: Cosmic Grading (CGS)

Netherlands: Universal Grading Services (UGS)

Poland: ECA Grading

Chile: Latam Grading Services (LGS)

And I’m sure others can find more as Instagram mostly suggests German companies for me since I’m from Germany. Good luck with your mission!

I would like to send one in to ap grading?

Would you like to help me? As you live in Germany

Kind regards Robert

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I would like also to send one in to Ace Grading but i need to find one in the UK

If someone wants to help me, i would like to hear that

Kind regards Robert

Sure I can help you with that, but just in case you didn’t know they do accept submissions from pretty much every European country, the UK and the United States so if you live in any of these you could even submit your card yourself (using their English site in order to not have a language barrier). But if you feel more comfortable with that I can of course still help.

in China
The big three :
CCG most popular
GBTC harsher



Never realised that so many of them exist, op has some work to do with this goal :sweat_smile:


I would classify tcg grading as a basement company. So many pubes in their cases.

I did not know either but nevertheless, this will be a multi year goal of mine but maybe after 10 years i can have them all,


The amount of grading companies probably is living all the time since new ones are founded and some end up their business so may be difficult to keep it up to date which ones you still need that are still functioning, but anyway this is a fun project to witness and i’m very much looking forward to your updates!



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Hey there. :slight_smile:

In about 2 weeks we’re moving out of beta to a complete overhaul of our branding & site, as well as full metal laser engraved gold labels.

So, you’d need to find something aftermarket if you’d like a beta slab. We’re queued out past the transition.

Very cool idea by the way, I would do the same for a bit different of a reason.


These are the goals for this / next year

Everything with a star, is in submission or on its way to me :slight_smile: