Collections other than Pokemon
This is a test play card for Magic the Gathering. They used blank cards with only the description on the card. They have since stopped this practice. Now they use mana cards with a sticker with the description. Making these test play cards one off cards. This one takes the cake with original artist signature and a custom drawing of the actual picture.

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These are dbz movie collection prototypes and android saga prototypes. The movie collection prototypes were used at toyfair. The production of these is one of a kind-1 of 3 produced. The Android saga prototypes are from the paint production. They used these to determine the paint on the final product. All these figures are hand painted by the original artist. The Android saga prototypes are probably the only complete set of paint production Android saga, out there. The trunks figure is a Beckett exclusive (silver hair, pink eye brows). If anyone is wondering why Lord Slug is in pieces, it’s not broken. The Goku is put together with 20 or so parts.

So thats not just a fan drawing of a card? Thats interesting never heard of this practice and I also collect MTG

I collect Pandas!

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I haven’t had it authiticated yet but I have talked to 2 people who made the cards and know the artist. They said it’s 100% authentic.

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thats neat

Let me see a pic of the back…

Ugh, that panda collection is the BEST!!!

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Well thanks!!! :slight_smile: I’ve spent way too much money on it lol but i still spend more on it than i should. i dont really use money on them anymore i just get them off this website that uses points instead of money so i get a few small stuff like stickers and small items thats easily cariable since i havent much space to keep things
This is the only time I will flip it over and take a picture. These test play cards only had the printing of the description, card name, series, mana cost, 2/2 (on this one), and cu. I don’t know what cu refers too. You can scrutinise all you want. I put this as a random collection piece in my new thread.

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Looking for DBZ Booster Boxes English Limited Edition! Trunks Saga, Fusion Saga, and Buu Saga.
I will pay retail, list through eBay.

PS: I freaking love DBZ!
Dbz Movie Collection Goku Battle Dmg.
If you ever went to Toy Fair and saw this, this would have been the same prototype on display.
This is Android Saga Piccalo test paint. The pictures of his feet is were the trade mark is located on the actual toy.
These are prototypes. Movie Collection Goku, the actual toy is one piece. The Android Saga Piccalo is paint production prototype. The actual toy doesn’t have a sky blue belt and different shade of purple outfit. Also the real toy has the trade mark under the foot.
This is an example of what prototypes can look like.

I have the complete English Kingdom Hearts collection + all the promos ever created

I guess my mtg card isn’t quite 1 of a kind. I know of 2 test play cards with the artist rendering and signature.

This is Mage Knight. These I’ve had since I was a kid.
These are still pretty cool considering how detailed they are. This pretty much died when hero clicks came out. I think one of these figures was around a hundred dollars as a kid. Now that same Mage Knight figure is worth around $5-$10.

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That’s an impressive collection regardless of current prices. Definitely something to keep for the years to come.

I couldn’t agree more. Anything I buy now I have a different mentality about. I just happened to look up the company WizKids, they are making Yugioh hero clicks, what! I wish they would make Pokemon hero clicks! I would be a 26 year old man getting back into a kid collectable, lol. This is a fake of what it could look like.

Holy cow if this is a fake of Pikachu, I am emailing Pokemon feedback email and wizkis. I suggest everyone do the same, you never know…

Anyone have interest in movie posters?

I collect Kingdom Hearts Cards/ Sealed Video Games as well.