Comparing E4's Favorites from 2024 Illustration Contest to Creature's (300 -> 100)

Creature’s has announced the next round of finalists for the 2024 Illustration Contest narrowing it down from 300 to 100

We’ve done our many rounds of voting on E4’s Fav from the initial t300, and now let’s compare how we’re doing so far

Creature’s Top 100

  • Since these are in no particular order according to Creatures, I will order them based on E4’s ratings

  • The results of those which advanced to the second/final round will be prioritized over the results of Round 1 (but round 1 placement will be noted for comparison purposes) followed by the rest which did not make it to our second round

Moment of Silence for the Fallen

  • Zero of the top 25% Bidoofs according to E4 advanced into Creature's t100
  • also zero of E4's t3 from Round 2 advanced


E4’s Top 25% Still Remaining

  • 42.67% advanced

Tied 4-5/75 | 3/300 - Technically was one of the t3 most voted in R1

6/75 | 12-15/300

7/75 | 38-42/300

8/75 | 38-41/300

Tied 10-11/75 | 7-8/300

Tied 10-11/75 | 52-58/300

12/75 | 7-8/300

13/75 | 33-37/300

14/75 | 16-22/300

Tied 15-16/75 | 29-32/300

Tied 18-20/75 | 33-37/300

22/75 | 23-28/300

Tied 23-24/75 | 42-45/300

Tied 25-26/75 | 16-22/300

Tied 30-31/75 | 38-41/300

37/75 | 59-71/300

38/75 | 1/300 - Technically was one of the t3 most voted in R1

40/75 | 94-99/300

41/75 | 52-58/300

Tied 42-43/75 | 72-83/300

46/75 | 23-28/300

Tied 49-50/75 | 4-5/300

51/75 | 51-71/300

Tied 52-54/75 | 29-32/300

Tied 52-54/75 | 42-45/300

57/75 | 23-28/300

61/75 | 100-115/300

62/75 | 84-93/300

63/75 | 116-124/300

65/75 | 59-71/300

66/75 | 46-51/300

68/75 | 72-83/300

Didn’t Advance to Round 2

Still Technically Within E4’s t100:

Tied 59-71/300 (18 Votes)

Tied 72-83/300 (17 Votes)

Tied 94-99/300 (15 Votes)

E4’s Misses according to Creatures

Tied 100-115/300 (14 Votes)


Tied 116-124/300 (13 Votes)

Tied 125-133/300 (12 Votes)

Tied 134-149/300 (11 Votes)

Tied 150-163/300 (10 Votes)

Tied 164-184/300 (9 Votes)

Tied 185-196/300 (8 Votes)

Tied 197-211/300 (7 Votes)

Tied 212-230/300 (6 Votes)

Tied 231-248/300 (5 Votes)

Tied 259-261/300 (4 Votes)

Tied 262-271/300 (3 Votes)

Tied 272-284/300 (2 Votes)

Tied 285-296/300 (1 Vote lol)


I will continue to update this as the next selections are made by the judges

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Shocking amount of my favorites got the axe. :sob:


A lot of my favorites stayed in but I will admit I lost the plot about halfway through and forgot the theme and chose what i liked. I am still surprised so many non-pukachu/charizard/eevee entries remained.


My guess is they wanted to keep an equal amount of entries for each Pokemon. Sounds like a very TPC thing to do.

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my pick still in it


Our chalk Absol friend is still in it which I’m kind of surprised about


I was kinda surprised to see the red moon absol eliminated, that felt like a judges pick to survive instead of some of the more freestyle ones. I’m happy to see the gotch melmetal still going strong bit i highly doubt it’s possibilities for awards if they honour the theme even slightest. Or if some of the judges like to regularly raise from water steaming while surrounded by chains i’ll gladly buy the actual promo card of it


another one i’m excited has a chance


Fat Pikachu lives!!!


Hang in there, Caterpie


i feel like they’ll be hired in the future regardless of placement


Caterpie is cooked

What were all the ones that we had in the top 75? that missed TPC’s top 100?

The range in art styles and creativity is a lot better than the last illustration contest. I’m a lot more optimistic we’ll get actually cool looking cards winning this time instead of the technically good but bland winners of previous years.

I’m very sad my favorite pikachu didn’t make it though. :cry:


Would be nice if they hired this artist anyway since the style is unique.

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I wouldn’t hold your breath, but I do agree there are more quality ones than last year in the top 100 and it’s always good to be optimistic. So help me lawd if they pick 3 bland ones. But yes, the fact that that pikachu got chopped over half the ones that stayed is crazy. At least the other half of pika’s are solid though.

Here’s my hope. That at least one or two among these place in the top 3.

There’s a few others I’m not stoked on, but I wouldn’t be mad about getting in there either, like Nathan Charizard or fat pikachu for example


As far as I’m concerned, this is what’s left.


some solid choices

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These are my favorites for each Pokemon based on what is left while also trying to keep in mind the theme. There are definitely some other favorites I’d also be happy to see get selected!