You can easily check ebay listings for each individual card, but if you’re too lazy I can guesstimate for you. $350-400 for the 3 starters, and $30-40 on the other holos. About $750-850 I’d say. Cheers.
If it takes too long to purchase one, I would advise you to simply buy them all separately. Usually there’s a premium to selling an entire set, because it removes the hassle of you needing to find the cards. Furthermore, if there’s a weak 9 in the collection, you may not want the set either. Just my thoughts!
Just buy the charizard first and then go after everything else.
Base unlimited is so easy to find atm and the only card people go nuts for in it is the Zard. The Zard is slowly rising but the rest of the cards in the set probably won’t grow at all.
I agree with both of you. I mean it will grow… slow. You might be looking at $50-60 per holo eventually, but right now everything can be bought as low as $20-30 pretty much all day. I wouldn’t currently pay a premium for a full set.
i dont even put psa 9 charizard too high either think it over priced myself but hay ho i mean people are still picking them psa 9 quality for cheap but shadowless 1st edition and 4th print just paid the premium if you want them your not finding them
NM Shadowless Zards will probably be hitting $1000 by this time next year. People will start picking up the next cheapest version of the popular thing.