Hey guys, im a Sealed collector and this is a few things ive been wondering,
Most Sealed Promos Come in Clear Cellophane packs, but ive seen 1 thats Blue Cellophane, is it Real?
2nd,City, State, Nationals promos,
I have the City Squirtle and Dratini and Nationals Blastoise and Dragonite In sealed packs,
but i have been unable to find Even a Picture State Wartortle or Dragonair
3rd,Prerelease cards from Ex Sandstorm and Ex Dragon, ive talked to many people but no one seems to know if these 2 cards came sealed or how many were in a pack,
As for your first question: do you have a picture? I’ve never seen any sealed card in colored cellophane myself.
As for your second question: although I’m not 100% sure, I think almost all Championship stamped cards only have one variations. A.f.a.i.k. the cards you’ve mentioned are released in:
EX Crystal Guardians Squirtle (2006-2007): City Championship (I don’t think there is a STAFF variation for this one; but not sure. I’ve never seen one and it also isn’t mentioned on Bulbapedia for some reason.)
EX Crystal Guardians Wartortle (2006-2007): State•Province•Territory Championship & State•Province•Territory STAFF
(EX Crystal Guardians Blastoise (2006-2007): National & National STAFF)
Legends Awakened Dratini (2008-2009): City & City STAFF
2nd i think you might have misunderstood here, what i mean is for these 2 Evolution lines i own both the city and nationals in sealed packs, but i havent even been able to find a picture of the State/regional cards in a sealed pack let alone ones for sale, what i mean is, is it possible these state ones werent in cello packs? or there just more rare for some reason?