Current Pokemon Center ETB Prices?

How does everyone feel about the current PC ETB prices? In particular the SV ones with the stamped promos. Do you think its all hype or do you think theres actually some potential to these products long term?

I cannot believe how expensive they are especially since there is the possibility for future reprints like they did for the SWSH sets. That said, there is steady consistent sales for the promos and the sealed boxes so maybe its not all hype?


Are we talking about like on the secondary market or straight from the website?


Secondary market pricing since they are all officially “sold out” (unless they do a reprint for them).


Oh ya it’s ridiculous I wish that Pokémon would print more etbs, they would sell I believe they are creating the scarcity on purpose so people go on there see that it’s out of stock get FOMO and go to local big box retailers to buy. But like seriously I don’t want to pay 200 plus for an etb just because of the promo, it’s stupid.

Nothing to be done though then to forget about it and be happy without the stamp


I know how you feel. I bought them along the way instead of the regular ETBs and they were never particularly sought-after or coveted. All of a sudden the stamped promos became the hotness and the boxes sold out overnight. I would normally say its manipulation or its just hype but the sales are so steady and consistent on them that its throwing me off.

Although i would like Pokemon to reprint them, I’m not sure they will have the capacity with everything else they are reprinting.

Weird situation with these.


I mean they really aren’t that different from regular etbs it wouldn’t be that hard to take some regular etbs put a stamp on them then throw in the extra promo


They are simultaneously the best thing to buy and the stupidist thing to buy


I agree. Its just that will be another thing that pokemon will have to add to the list of products that need to be reprinted.


Haha I know exactly what you mean by this LOL. They somehow feel simultaneously like a great invesmtment and also terrible investment.


At some point you would think that they would just build more factories and make more cardstock with how much money they have


Im sure they are expanding production as much as possible already.


Ask yourself if it’s normal for a $50-$60 mass produced product to be selling for 5x-8x on the secondary market within months to a few years of its release.


ETBs were always second fiddle to booster boxes. The intro of the PC ETB has been cool, but they’re not that limited to command the prices they do in the long term imo.

Obligatory picture of me with my head cut off as an ETB enjoyer from a few years back



The Lugia art in Plasma Storm ETB is pretty sweet, haven’t seen this item posted too often. :slight_smile:

Btw. what’s the reason two of the ETB’s have Pokemon logo wrapping instead of clear plastic?


It was fun to own! I only own a handful now, don’t have plasma storm anymore.

As far as the pokeball wrap, they only did it for swsh base, and it was just for a limited time. My guess is an excess of pokeball wrap or a lack of clear wrap at the factory, and they just went with it


As much as I think the PC ETBs are gimmicky, this definitely is normal for these specific products. It will be interesting to see what happens over time but I imagine the PC ETB will continue to rise in value over time.

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Its definitely something that’s hyped up. I think the fate of these boxes will depend on the following:

  1. will pokemon company reprint these boxes like they did SWSH
  2. will the stamped promos continue to be desirable in the future
  3. how Scarlet Violet sets perform as a whole