Customizable Pokémon shirts coming to USA & EU

Remember those super awesome shirts that got released in Japan? They’re getting an international release!


would wear/10

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Pokemon is going to convince me to dress nicer :laughing:

Such creative designs. I really like it.

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I like them and would wear one on a first date (girls would love that;) But for any other reason? No. I just had to ask myself, “Gary, would you trade a PSA 8 Base Charizard for one?” Again, no. 100.00 is just too high. At least to me.

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Here’s the one I plan to get when it’s available :grin:

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The alakazam shirt looks awesome imo. I’m considering getting one.


Is there an exact date for when they will be available? I spent like 30 mins last night designing shirts only to find out they don’t ship to the US yet…

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It deleted my design after I went to register so here is my crazy shirt…edit: if I went to spend money on it!!! :heart_eyes_cat::ok_hand: The buttons are still on the fense!

That Porygon design is really cool!
Also, better get that Lickitung design before the Rolling Stones’ legal team find out about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Get your Pikachu



Will put one of these on my Xmas list

Yeah, $100 is a bit steep, especially if you aren’t doing too much customization. Assuming the quality is high, however, I may get one just as something cool. Very hard to wear Pokemon-related stuff as part of business attire.

I wish there were women’s wear rip


Yeah I find it hard to make much customisation, otherwise it looks mad. Cheaper prices for a single fabric would be awesome.

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