Hey guys I came across this Darkrai EX 107/108 whilst looking through a load of boxed up cards. Its near mint condition still.
I dont have any other cards from this set so probably going to sell it. Cant see many of these on ebay and the ones that are appear to be quite expensive, but can anyone tell me why? Just seems like a bog standard EX card to me, can anyone suggest a fair price for me to list it on ebay? Thanks!
I myself have recently been wondering why prices of booster boxes of Dark Explorers have gone up to about $400 a box. There is Darkrai EX, but it is also in tins and Legendary Treasures. There is N in the set but it is also a promo and in Noble Victories. I really don’t get it.
It’s worth about $35 in NM-M condition. And @binx345 boxes are so expensive because there is a trick to getting the EXs and FA cards out of them. So basically if you buy a box, you can open 3 packs and have all the good cards, and sell the rest of the packs.
No it’s not scaling. There was a particular pattern to the way the packs containing URs were laid out in the box. There are videos about it online. This has made it extremely reliable to pull the URs from the boxes, even if you didn’t have a scale to weigh the packs on.
Because of this, single packs are widely mistrusted (even more than for other sets), so sealed booster boxes are through the roof in terms of price.
very very true sage. this question pops up a lot on the reddit pokemon section. People were selling hot packs that had the ultra rare in it.
from the prices people were making $15-20 a pack. so 3 packs was $45 to 60 plus selling the rest of the packs. People were probably selling the rest of the packs as normal because others couldn’t tell. so buying a box off TNT you could get 30-50 back easily. Its unfortunate that people probably did this because its a great set.