DarthEevee’s eevee collection - binder completion 100%

This is a floof appreciation thread! Here is my complete slab collection of every main eevee art and binder collection of every alternate holo pattern.
(This thread is my primary collection thread where I’ll post future updates. You can find the original binder collection thread here DarthEevee’s Eevee Alts binder collection)

Wish me luck & enjoy!

Every Eevee art wall

The complete binder collection as of Jan 2025
Non TCG collection
Terastal Festival Mail Day

Terastal Festival cards arrived just barely under the wire for the new year. Currently missing just the pokeball stamp (will buy in english) and the Prismatic set stamps in the new year.

2024 Binder Pickups
November 2024 Submission Return

Cards back from my most recent submission, including 4 GM10s! With these, I’m caught up except surging sparks. Already looking ahead to prismatic evolutions.

The complete slab collection as of 04/2024

Here they are!! So far I’m missing just the Eevee/snorlax full art, Eevee gx rainbow, and the twilight masquerade & battle academy cards

April 2024 Update

Reholders are back!

Recently decided to sell my Pokédex binder and expand my Eevee collection into graded and binder. Graded is one of each art, binder is one of each English card (regular, reverse, stamps etc) plus special holos in any language.

Pickups for the binder:

Waiting on a series of cards to be delivered to card trader as well

Oh!!! Progress!!!

Hahahahahahaha so I bought some inexpensive “binder” copies and they came back with bad grades, but hilariously many are also POP 1. Here’s all of the “pop 1” cards in my batch

March 2024 Update

Patiently (or not!) waiting for my 91 card submission to come back from CGC. Meanwhile, I’ve set up their home as decorative shelves in my home gym.

Also picked up a full art Eevee & Snorlax (missed him the first time around), which once graded would give me a 100% on CGC’s Eevee Main Set and put me in running for Best Set of the Year.

February 2024 Update

I just made the final sale required from my personal collection to afford sending off for grading. AGONY but I’m actually so excited. Based on a cursory level of research at CGC and PSA both, I believe I will have the most complete public collection of graded Eevees in the world.

December 2023 Update

December update: twenty twenty threevee is over by adding the fan club eevee to my collection. Here it is in all its questionable financial choice glory

He’s back from the doctor! (read: arbitrary score assigner)

October 2023 Update

Jolteon ZAPS the competition!

Only missing JP fan club now! Scramble is a proxy lol, I’m not paying $60k for a Pokémon card


August 2023 Update

Update! Leafeon FALLS into battle

Original Post

Hello E4! I’m new here, wanted to share my eevee collection. My goal is a complete set of graded artwork - that is, one of each Eevee artwork but not necessarily print duplicates (such as Radiant collection vs sylveon trainer kit, battle decks, etc. Wish me luck!


Is that an authentic Eevee Scramble?


lmao no but a guy can dream. I’ll update the caption


Damn you were quick on that one haha


It’s just not realistic, only 100 of them existed in the first place. Who knows how many ended up in the trashcan

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Oh yeah, scramble and the sample ones are insane


I’m not convinced the sample set one exists. I’ve never seen a single one apart from the grainy photo on Bulbapedia and one reproduction

How are you using those icons lol

They do exist, and were sold in a lot on YJ in 2014. I personally started collecting in 2016, so I’ve only heard it second-hand. I haven’t seen them anymore later on.

Here are the Eevee from that lot, where the Sample Eevee has two different type of e-Reader borders:

And here is also another picture of that Eevee where Tsunekazu Ishihara is holding them, when they were first shown back in 2001:

In that same YJ auction were also other Sample cards, including this Rocket’s Gang Eevee:

Here are all the Sample cards from that auction in case you (or anyone else reading this) are curious:

Anyway, Sample cards are unofficial cards that were never intended to be released, so I wouldn’t think too much of them in terms of collection goals. Just sharing information here, since you mentioned you’d only seen that single picture on Bulbapedia. :slight_smile:

Nice Eevee collection btw. Best of luck continuing it, and welcome!



Was it ever mentioned how much that lot sold for in 2014? I think I recall reading less than $5k in USD, but that could be completely wrong.

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Iirc little over 2k USD. Which is next to nothing in today’s market, but a lot in 2014. :sweat_smile: How times have changed. :pensive:


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Shame on you for reminding us about cards that will never be in our collections. :wink: :face_exhaling:


It makes me come to peace that my collection will never be complete. Because they are impossible to find (Sample Eevee) or impossible to afford (PLAY Umbreon)


I need some of that zen energy to temper my aspirations.


I will get a medium res photo and paste it onto an old back jpn card and call it a day lmao


Awesome collection. Looks like you’re pretty close to finishing it up. What’s next once you complete this?

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I’m gonna be on this a while - the remaining ponchos munch and fan club will run me probably $3600 together! But after this I’m probably gonna slow down. Collect a full “Pokédex” still, but otherwise chill. I have a little one on the way and wanted to complete this before they get too old

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Great collection!!

Curious: you seem to prioritize the English version of each card (if available) but your Eevee GX cards are all Japanese. Why is that?

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Hi Hola! Nice to see you here too. My preference is certainly for English when available, but there are certain cases where the Japanese was easier/cheaper to obtain. I found a seller on eBay happy to cut me a deal on those three and since the collection would be split English/Japanese anyway, :man_shrugging:t2:

I had a similar thing with the rainbow eevee snorlax. I picked up a JP rainbow for about the same price as a regular full art English, and opted for the rainbow


Makes sense! It’s hard to pass up a good deal in this hobby, haha.

Best of luck with your collecting goals! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks! If you have duplicate reverse holos from your master set I’ll happily relieve you of them :joy:

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