did hidden fates already reprint? more coming?

i know the tins came back and quickly sold out, but is more restock coming ?

september 9th 2020

@slabsniper, yes, another reprint is on the way according to my lcs

Yes another reprint is coming. I believe it is estimated to be around end of September like 9/25 I believe.

Do reprints like this normally come with updated copywrite dates when they release in different years?

No they don’t. XY Roaring Skies and SM Ultra Prism were both reprinted years later without changes. In Ultra Prism Cyrus Prism did get it’s text fixed though, it had a typo or so. But the copyright years never change.


Walmarts getting tin restock at this time.

Collection boxes. Walmart doesn’t sell tins. Target does and most other places do though.

I’ve bought tins at wal mart before, I dont think its an exclusivity thing.


I will have to look out for these- my son and I opened so many looking for a Zard and never got one. :disappointed:


I preordered a case of tins from the second wave and they should ship on the 25th. I would imagine stores will be restocked around then as well. Notably, ETBs are not part of the restock.

Where did you preorder from?
