Did PSA grade a fake card?

I have purchased 2 base set energy cards from an auction listing from eBay (Australia). Listed as unlimited energy base set.

My issue is that it’s labelled as a base set 4th edition but the card has a 1st edition stamp. It doesn’t make sense to me due to the copyright dates not aligning to what I have read and seen on other listings.

The slab doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with and when I compare it to my other slabs I see no difference. When I scan the card with the PSA app, the data is correct. So I’m not sure if it’s a good fake slab or PSA mistakenly graded a fake card.

I haven’t contacted the seller yet as I want to make sure that I’m correct. I’m also conflicted that if it’s indeed fake, should I just accept the loss (total was $50 AUD) instead of making a return so it doesn’t get relisted.

It’s my first time posting so I hope I put it in the right category. Any help is much appreciated.


My guess is that these are foreign language (ie. not English) energies.

That explains the 1st ed stamp and the copyright date:


Bingo! PSA just mislabeled what are really foreign 1st base energies


Thank you for that info.
Does that mean PSA mislabelled the card?
What would the best course of action be?

Seconding @pfm.
I’m guessing it is a base Chinese energy.

You can ship it in (at your expense) and they will correct the label for free

Since you live in Australia, the best course of action is to do nothing since doing anything will be so expensive with shipping.


I’m glad to see they took the time to look-over the whole card, not see the 1st ed stamp and say, “Ah, 1st ed. Checks out.”

Good question, @bosnaben! It’s a simple answer, I think, but nice to see these kinds of fringe-case posts. :grin:

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PFM is correct. It’s either a Korean or Chinese 1st edition Base Set Energy, which are indistinguishable from one another as far as I know.
