Disney’s Lorcana TCG Fake Autographs

I recently went to LegendsExpo and saw a whole bunch of Lorcana artists offering their autograph and sketches on cards. My girlfriend was very excited and met most of the artists. I noticed most of the artists were offering their sketches anywhere between $60 to $300 depending on the sketch quality.

After the show, I’ve noticed some of the artists posting that they have seen sketches that they never drew show up on the Xianju app.

Pokémon autograph collectors have been used to this for some time, and thought it was interesting that now it has entered Disney


It’ll be interesting to see how Disney responds, compared to how PkMn has.
Do lorcana artists own their work, as they do in MtG? Or does Disney, as they do in PkMn?

Is PSA/DNA a scam or are the slabs themselves fake? Isn’t the point of it to verify the autograph?

The autograph is real, but the sketch is fake. PSA/DNA authenticates the autograph, not the sketch.


Oh wow thank you for explaining @Dyl . I didn’t realise they looked at them separately.


Happy to help!

Bit of a tangent - Autograph grading companies only concern themselves with the signature itself. To my knowledge, no company (DNA, BAS, JSA) will authenticate the sketch. I can see why they wouldn’t, as how could they tell?

Fine art authenticators do exist, but they’re dealing with full canvases, sculptures, etc. and have a great deal of context clues to spot forgeries (e.g., examining pigments, canvas, wood for the time period, radiocarbon dating). Unfortunately, those methods can’t be easily applied to modern sketches on trading cards.

This is why provenance is so important.