Do you think the Magikarp from Triple Beat will ever go up in price?

I bought a BGS 9.5 Magikarp (might reholder it), and I’m wondering if it will soar in price when they stop printing the set. Am I completely wrong on this, or will I just have to wait a bit more?

I also noticed the reprint for this set, which I’m worried about…

You’re looking at 29,330 graded combined from the 3 grading companies in 1.5 years. Every SV era set received a large reprint only a couple months ago, and PSA’s pop is starting to accelerate again from 20k. They will stop printing this set when 2023 sets are out of rotation (April 2026)

I won’t predict its future price given anything could happen until the set is rotated out, but it’s an extremely popular card with an extremely high supply. As an Art Rare, this measures only a fraction of the Art Rares out there


That is a tough one since it was manipulated up so high so fast. Nothing organic about that growth.

As mentioned, the supply is high. Now, cool card could do well in the long run. I could see it going either way


If by soar you mean soar into the ground then maybe


Interested to hear this opinion.

I missed it when it came out (technically multiple sellers cancelled on me because price jumped faster than they shipped) so i wont even consider it at current price for the rarity it is. Once it comes down then i’ll consider it. I feel a fair amount of people are in that boat with me.

This is the Japanese version, not the U.S one…

Yes, thats the one Im talking about. Still not worth it to me.

That really doesn’t make sense. It’s a 80+ dollar card in PSA 10 and 20 ungraded, how much lower should it get?

As much as it pains me to make the comparison to crypto, the trading card market has often mirrored its volatility since the 2020 COVID era. It’s just so unpredictable. Before 2020 we didn’t really see “meme” price increases (prices of seemingly random cards skyrocket in a matter of days), the appearance of social media-led micro economies, or the sheer rapidity of price changes of brand new products. As annoying as it is to hear, anything could happen. Van Gogh Pikachu did not do what I thought it would do, for example. Even considering the absolute mountains of that card that were printed, its sheer unwavering popularity has kept its price afloat at £65+ raw. When the pop report started to explode and images showing just how much of that card were made, I was convinced we’d see it come down to the £25-30 raw mark, but nope.

Despite valid concerns about modern product supply being massively buffed in the post-covid era, in some individual cases it still hasn’t outpaced the demand, despite the obvious flaw in fundamentals of the card/product. Van Gogh is an obvious example of this, and Triplet Beat Magikarp in a sense already is too. At PSA 10 it sells easily at the £50 mark, whereas other PSA 10 ARs will struggle to sell in the £20-30 range. It has the same fundamental rarity (i.e. not very) as other ARs but its massive popularity has sustained its price significantly higher than equivalent cards in its category. If and how it changes from here is TBD. Despite the “cooling off”, I just think we’re still in a new, post-covid era in the TCG where the market and collectors are still finding their feet. We have completely new benchmarks for both supply and demand in comparison to pre-2020, the two factors that have the greatest bearing on market activity. Whenever I think of modern and vintage, I always picture crypto vs SP500. Opportunities in both, but significantly different fundamentals, and different risk apetites required.


Ebay shows $60 in psa10 or $40 in psa9 or $30 raw. I had won a couple when they came out for $12 shipped, if psa9 drops a bit more I’ll consider it. Can’t see it jumping much soon because it gets lost in the noise of all the other good cards that have been coming out.

You are not going to be able to retire in 5 years with this card.

Just stay in school.


I don’t want to retire from school, and to be honest, I don’t think there’s a single message where I have said this. Even though educations main goal is to help you persue a career, I still want to have a education and be EDUCATED for stuff in life. The main goal was not to dropout or live the life that most kids dream of (dropping out, making millions, moving to that fancy condo in LA with Lamborghinnis and Porshes). It’s just doing what I love: Business, Pokemon.

Dropping out of school is never a option, especially when I promised my grandma that shes gonna see me walk down that stage (she has never seen any of her family members graduate)


That was just a joke :smiley:
There are very few cards you can buy today that you can retire on. A lot of cards are high right out of the gate. I think PFM mentioned it in another thread. A $5 promo in 2017 in now $150. But if that promo was released today, it would start at $150 and settle at $100 for the long term.


When you say reholder do you mean regrade or cross grade? Reholder just means new plastic, same grade.

Meant crossgrade

Its only a $20-30 difference in value from psa9-10. Not worth the hassle, money, or gamble.


I like the magikarp but it is such a common card (multiple ARs per box) it is hard to see it go any higher.
I’d recommend buying sealed products instead, if you want to invest.
Otherwise just enjoy the card!!

Ps I love the gold BGS label and would not pay money for a cross grade.

Yeah, it was meant to be a joke about unrealistic expectations. By the sounds of it you’re working very hard at school and want to make your family proud of you! Keep at it and you’ll reap the benefits later in life.


I don’t think it’s going to shoot to the moon.

If you’re buying BGS modern chase/AR/SIR cards, stick with pristine 10s or black label 10s. Same with PSA, PSA 9s have very little premium compared to raw modern NM, but PSA 10s hold value.