Does Mitsuhiro Arita do Pokemon signings in Japan?


I am living in Japan and recently got back into the hobby of collecting Pokemon cards perhaps from nostalgia of losing all of my old cards as a child.

Anyways, I noticed a lot of talk about Mitsuhiro Arita signing events. I hear that he signed a lot of cards in Florida, Hawaii, and Norway recently. Recently I found out that Arita is attending a Magic the gathering event in Tokyo and got super excited. But when I went through the website registration and read the fine print it said that he won’t sign Pokemon cards only merchandise bought at the event.

So my question is, does Arita do any Pokemon card signing events in Japan? Has anyone ever attended a signing event here in Japan?


Im not sure about japan itself, but some artists have legal ties to just sign autographs when TPCI gives the green light at sanctioned events. Im sure if you can check/find his socials he’ll be available eventually.


I have actually been following Arita’s website and Facebook page for almost a year. He has done 5 or 6 small events in Japan during that time, but all of them seem to say no autographs. Or no autographs for Pokemon cards


I can’t think of the last time, if ever, that Arita signed Pokemon in Japan


Arita almost always posts events where he will be signing as well as the information about it on his website, at least some of which it seems, you already have:

You can also see the art cards that he sells at his booths and usually uses for signings. There’s some pretty cool stuff, TBH, but were I to get a sig, I’d definitely want it on a card and my book, so I feel your frustration there.

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Yeah I actually registered for the current event. It’s free “entry” but to actually meet Arita you have to pay $200 for a small sketch or $600 for a 15 minute sketch. Both cool but nothing to do with Pokemon. And he won’t sign any Pokemon items.

I think I remember reading that he did a signing event in Nagoya back in 2016. But I don’t remember seeing any other Pokemon signings events here in Japan. I’m sure if he did an event here people would freak out

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Its possible he may do an event, but so many pokemon artists these days are constantly harassed by people who just want their autograph to then later resell that I feel kinda bad for them. Its probably the main reason they delegate cards with owners names and dates on them which was a smart move. Id love to actually get some art drawn by my favorite artists if I had the money.

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Judging by how he has been focusing heavily on his original work and the fact that that Arita has featured very little in the SV block. I wouldn’t hold my breath on another Pokemon signing. However this is purely speculation and I hope i’m wrong lol

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I saw on Arita’s event page that he will soon be visiting Malaysia to do a trading card event. I am debating whether it’s worth it to fly to Malaysia to get his signature. However, I was wondering if someone can clarify what a “personal item” includes?

Per the event page, it says that you can get 3 personal items signed and 2 sketched for 4000 ringgit (about $1000). However it does not specify whether this includes Pokemon cards. I would love to have my favorite cards signed but that is a very steep price. I tried contacting the event contact email but they haven’t responded after 2 days. Does anyone know whether Pokemon cards are typically included in “personal items”?

“Personal item” typically is a euphemism for “Pokemon cards” because often the artists and the event organizers don’t want to make it appear like a “Pokemon event”.

So for every event I’ve ever been to, “personal item” includes Pokemon cards.


That link makes it sound quite strict and that you need some sort of Malaysian ID to gain entry.

So does that mean no foreigners are allowed? If so that would be pretty strict.

If anyone could go and get in and you have the disposable income to spend, I would do it. It might be a fun memorable trip. Plus if you saw Arita’s last event in the States he didn’t do any Pokemon Card autos and before that event he only did a signature and no sketch.

But I have to admit his autograph prices have been increasing a lot. I get how it helps cut the line of people and maybe he can get the same amount of money with less work…but it hurts when you want a lot of things signed by him :sweat_smile:

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That looks like its a ticket discount of 100myr for locals. The next ticket doesnt have that restriction from what I saw.


Ah I just saw. I didn’t bother to scroll down that far the first time. Haha I was thinking that was pretty bold of Malaysia if they had it only for locals :rofl:


Yeah I have heard that in some events in America he didn’t do Pokemon card autos. But this is literally a trading card game event. Surely that means…

If I spent that much money and I wasn’t allowed to get my Pokemon cards signed, I’m pretty I’d just start weeping right there on the spot