Does this Gym Challenge Booster Pack look legitimately sealed?


What makes you think it’s not a genuine seal?

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I bought a Team Rocket pack from the same seller that turned out to be resealed. That was way more obvious upon inspection though. I fully believe that the seller is not a scammer, I’ve bought from him before and he has 100% positive feedback. He apologized for messing up and let me keep the Team Rocket booster and is offering this as compensation. Just wanted a second opinion, that’s all.

I would’ve demanded for a refund not a replacement of a different set. From the pics it does not look reseal but I would be suspicious as it is hard to tell that its real without feeling and smelling it in my hands.

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Personally, I don’t see a reason to demand a refund as long as the replacement pack is legit. They’re roughly equal in value and I’m fine with either.

Understandable if you’re ok with that. Im just saying if I order a team rocket pack, i would expect a refund or a team rocket pack in return not a pack from a different set. Just odd to me thats all. You do you

Looks fine to me.

To clarify, I didn’t specifically seek out a Team Rocket booster. He’s a local collector and we were just chatting when he asked if I was interested in the pack. It was a casual purchase.

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