E4 4th Annual Art Contest Announcement (With Launch Date!)

Begins Friday, May 24th

(North American time zone)

Attention all efourians! Save the date! Prepare your pencils and brushes, or even mice! Your friendly organizers just wanted to put out a little announcement that it will be beginning soon, and to stay tuned. Ready your skills, get the word out (including on that place they call the discord), and be sure not to miss it! All ranges of skill are welcome, from original creations to childlike drawings, or recreations and 3D renderings! We also wanted to personally invite and make aware the contest alumni, especially historical finalists. You are personally invited for another amazing year.

@liron @khairis @MaxyMaxy @defluo @smokemon @Troy @muk @gareth @pancakestak @jaredschallenge @qwachansey @raichuforyou @caughtatpoint @andrewvt36 @lyleberr @pigeonsyndicate @pokesoap @thatpikachuguy @fazool @Berndos @fiery @neos @Quuador @fate @kurtosisblakeinfini @prochaos @fourthstartcg @pokekuma13 @dizzylochs @pfm @flukoluko @nikhil @millsfan @HumanForScale @galalyth @chrisundrum @ferny @sixtoacm @pichael25 @totodile_in_pursuit @moredoom @dunsparce0p @vyzhr @Lemon @jworth2017 @kromaticlanturn @expedition @ayoveer @Frosty.Puppy @trainerjack @skinst @purevito @boogus @Gus @warp @0rion @knotchi @Doug @amwolf @G1TLandon @dyl @veks @livindavido @rattlesnake @cyberurchin @Martin @mrbubbles @seasidepokemon @swolepoke @joshb @gott006 @schileru @coil @bbobrob @lookaclara @northerninfernape @niece @versy @zyxxke @holahart @decoypalmette @oxidelake @glenngould98

For those who’ve never seen it, or are new, here are the first, second, and third annual art contests to go check out! Here is also the announcement thread from last year which answered a few questions that were new and is worth scrolling through for any new entrants. Also, please be sure to check out the Art contest hall of fame, for browsing the winners of all 3 prior years!

Since it is a very common question, the schedule goes something like this: Starting on May 24, we run a 3 week sign up period, then a week of submission period (though we might consider doubling this due to public opinion), and a week voting period, to make for a 5 to 6 week long contest head to tail. Please note: You must use last year’s art contest as the most up to date reference for rules and protocol. Use all 3 years to see art for reference and inspiration.

(P.S.) It’s never too early to get started on your work if you know you’re gonna join =)

Please post all questions here or message @brendantheclayboy or @azulryu if you feel your questions/concerns need to be private.

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As a reminder, this year we’ll be doing something new which we decided to introduce at the end of 2023’s contest. This year we will also feature the announcement for “Judge’s Pick” at the end of the official contest.

This opportunity is presented to whoever has the most exemplified depiction for their category judged based on our original vision and intention for each category. They will be presented with the opportunity to create the artwork for the 1st Place Trophy in a style of their choice for the next sequential year. Not only does this ensure variety by introducing a different artist to do the 1st Place Trophy, but it also encourages a broader range of participation. So even in the chance your art doesn’t win 1st, 2nd, or maybe even 3rd for your submitted category, it means you still might have a chance to showcase your art in a different way.

We look forward to seeing this new year’s participation. And with the added introduction of the E4 Pokemon Fan Art and Crafts thread, we are excited to see what folks have to offer!

Get planning folks! And don’t forget to have fun with it!
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Shoot. This is too soon. I finally cleared my plate enough to try finishing the primary project from last years art contest. I was trying to have it done before this years but theres been so many E4 projects recently, literally was thinking about it yesterday as I planned out my crafting ideas.

Now, aside from personal worries, thank you guys for doing this again this year! I have no idea what to do and have been burning through ideas left and right for what feels like the past 6 months but I am so excited to work on something for this.

We have so many new members that I hope to see everyone that is able to sign up and try out. I know all skill levels are welcome and submissions dont need to win to be site favorites that take on a life of their own (please see the banners and some user profile photos).

Im already getting excited to see some amazing new art from users!


Oh yes! I think I might have less time to work on things this time around, but I’ll try to squeeze in two submissions. I pretty much need to get cracking immediately on any pieces, so the heads-up is appreciated. Time to put most everything else on the backburner a bit to prioritize art contest submissions!

Thanks again for organizing all this @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu, and I hope to see a good chunk of participation again this year to see what others come up with!


Damn, I really can’t wait to see all the different ideas, arts, and what people will craft this time!
Last year it was an absolutely exciting experience, a truly E4 community moment.
Thank you all for organizing this, I will always do my best to never miss the annual contest.


I’ve been eagerly awaiting this event. Such a great event! Thanks @brendantheclayboy and @azulryu for organizing and the heads up.! Really looking forward to seeing all the creative genius of e4 come to life!


Wow Christmas does come early! Looking forward to another great Art Contest, thanks for organizing @brendantheclayboy @azulryu

I’m glad you guys are busy otherwise none of us could compete with you! @lyleberr @bbobrob (we probably still can’t :joy:)

If anyone new is thinking about joining, definitely sign up! I joined last year and I had so much fun drawing again. Before that I hadn’t drawn in 15 years since I was a kid!


Let’s go! So excited to see what everyone comes up with!


This looks like lots of fun! Unfortunately I don’t think I would be able to participate because my account won’t be 2 months old by May 24th. Good luck to every one who joins. I’m so excited to see all the awesome art!


You’re within a week of the cutoff, we’ll let you join :cowboy_hat_face:


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely be joining then


I’m thinking i’m putting self-critisism away and try to find time to join this year with something fun!


Yes, join if you have the time! It’s all in good fun and it’s overall a very supportive environment as far as I can tell and as far as I’ve experienced :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, it’s already been one year since I participated in the previous art contest. Welp, I will participate in two categories this time.


Once again the best time of E4 year is upon us! Time to fire up ProCreate!


Excited to enter my second art contest.

For anybody on the fence about wheter to join or not, just go for it and have fun!


Excited for another contest! Time to test my skills once more. Thanks again for putting this on Brendan and Azul


Do we need to draw in a certain ratio for digital submissions? (Pixel width x Pixel Height) just want to check before I start drawing something


Pretty sure official rules went over suggested sizes. You should be able to see them from last years.