E4 Pokémon VGC Tournament - Generation 4: VGC Bracket Completed

The fourth generation of E4 Pokémon tournaments are here! We’re journeying to Sinnoh and covering the fourth generation of Pokémon games.

For the first time in E4 tournament history, we’ll be holding brackets for Single Battles and VGC Double Battles!

Singles Bracket Rules

Tournament matches will be played on Pokémon Showdown using Smogon Gen 4 OU Singles rules.

Your team (Pokémon, items, moves, EVs/IVs) must remain the same for all games within a set. However, you can swap your lead Pokémon between games. Any player that is found swapping teams between games in a set will automatically have that game count as a loss for them. You can bring a different team for each round/new opponent.

Singles matches will be played in a “Best of 3” format where the winner will need to win 2 games to advance to the next round. The tournament will be a Double Elimination bracket, meaning players that lose in the winner’s bracket will still be able to progress through the loser’s bracket.

VGC 2009 Bracket Rules

Tournament matches will be played on Pokémon Showdown using the VGC 2009 ruleset.

VGC double battles require you to build a full team of 6 Pokémon but only bring 4 into each battle. You can change which 4 you bring into each battle for each game within a set.

Players are only allowed to bring one team of 6 for the entire bracket and are required to post their full team in this thread before their first match. These restrictions are keeping in line with how official VGC tournaments operate now.

VGC matches will be played in a “Best of 3” format where the winner will need to win 2 games to advance to the next round. The tournament will be a Double Elimination bracket, meaning players that lose in the winner’s bracket will still be able to progress through the loser’s bracket.

Tournament Brackets

E4 Generation 4 OU Singles Live Bracket

E4 Generation 4 VGC 2009 Live Bracket

All participants VGC 2009 teams can be found here:


Participants are required to report the results of their sets here and post replays of all their games. Refer to the post below if you aren’t sure how to save replays on Pokémon Showdown.

Previous E4 Tournaments

Generation 1: :1st_place_medal: DDK :2nd_place_medal: cosrob :3rd_place_medal: candle/G1TLandon
Generation 2: :1st_place_medal: DDK :2nd_place_medal: caughtatpoint :3rd_place_medal: cosrob
Generation 3: :1st_place_medal: DDK :2nd_place_medal: mossdeep :3rd_place_medal: silversnorlax204

Sample Gen 4 OU Teams
Gen 4 OU Viability Rankings
VGC Resources
VGC 2009 Sample Teams


Please post in this thread if you would like to sign up. Registration will stay open until Monday, August 26 at midnight (PDT).

Indicate whether you’d like to participate in Singles, VGC Doubles or both brackets.

If you haven’t participated in an E4 tournament before, please mention your skill level in competitive Pokemon battles (Showdown laddering etc.) or any outside tournaments you’ve participated in (Smogon/VGC) with a brief overview of your results. This will help for tournament seeding.

Sign me up for both please


I’m in for both!

This will be my first time playing gen 4 and VGC outside of a recent 0-5 attempt on the ladder :sunglasses:


Sign me up for VGC!




VGC only good sir.

I hope the rest of you are ready, it’s about to get real.


We’re all doomed now that pfm finally can use Lopunny…

Edit: and make it double…pfm is competing in both brackets


I might try harder >:)

The problem is I always make non-optimal choices for the sake of fun when doing vgc so most likely I’ll see you in losers :slight_smile:


In for both


Sign me up for both please!

Thank you very much.



Put me in for both coach!


In for a penny, in for a pound (both please).

I was on the fence about singles but I’d encourage everyone to sign up. ddk must be stopped!!!


It’s finally time for lord bidoof…

I’m down for both!


I’d put up a bounty for myself if I could!

Gen 4 singles was my start to playing competitive Pokemon so gotta tryhard again (tho I’m also ok at VGC).


Heck yeah, put me in for both!



Gen 4 tournament signups are underway if any of you want to compete again! Hope to see you guys again.

@PkmnTrnAnt I know you were interested in the Gen 3 tournament but missed the deadline so this one is open if you wanna join for singles, doubles or both!


Is there anyway to scrim or get practice in for doubles? I noticed showdown doesn’t support DPP OU doubles or vgc 2008-2009

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Would love a sparing partner. Hit me up.

Same for everyone else!

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Will do!
Are you in the discord?