Firstly, we need to gauge interest, so if it sounds like something you’d want please comment!
Basically the concept is:
60* people send in X amount of money (and can donate extra sleeves if they want). Maybe $50.
One person buys the sleeves, with some level of feedback from participants**
That person sends them out to everyone who paid
*maybe fewer initially, to hold back spares in case of lost packages
**This can be discussed. Realistically the buyer can’t run every purchase past every participant, but there should be some consensus of the direction they’ll take
Ideally a contribution would go to the forum, but I’ll defer to you on how much.
I’m happy to be the person buying/sending them, because the UK is pretty central. On the other hand, almost every package would be shipped internationally, and I’d have to pay customs on the majority of purchases, so maybe someone in the US is better.
That said, I realise it’s a lot of work, and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to do it of their own volition, but it’s worth keeping in mind the cost would be higher.
I’m confused on what the point of the exchange is… or what we are exactly exchanging… Are these sleeves in any way unique or are they signed by members or something? Why am I paying $50 to buy and send a pack of sleeves?
I think the idea would be that there are 50 people paying one person, who could buy 100 different packages of sleeves, each consisting of 65 sleeves. Everyone who paid will get one of the sleeves, there is some nice artwork on them. You will get the sleeves way cheaper than if you would buy them all loose.
Sorry, exchange turned out to be a bit of a misnomer. Initially I imagined everyone sending a pack of sleeves, with everyone getting one of each art in return.
After talking it through with some people it became clear that it would be easier if one person just buys all the sleeves from a single pool of money, the distributes one of each art to everyone who participated.
I’ve had a couple of other messages so to add context: some of the packs of sleeves run into three figures, so instead of buying one pack to get the art and trying to figure out what to do with the rest, you can get a variety.
60 people each send in $50, leaving $3000 to buy sleeves. If the average price of a pack is something like $20-30, you would expect to get 100 unique sleeves in return.
@robertocaterpie5 Since I know you collect sleeves, maybe you want to participate to potentially receive 65 sleeves (although chances are high you already have most of them by now)?
To clarify, 60ish* is a rough number of people we’d be aiming to get (i.e. one per each sleeve in a pack), but not necessarily the number of sleeves you’d get. That number could be more or less, depending on how many people participate/the amount of different packs we can buy.
Since shipping from EU to the States, or EU to Asia might be pricey individually, maybe depending on how many people are in a different region, we can work out shipping to one person in a region who can ship out individually to everyone else in that region?
I just want to say that its really awesome for even the chance of doing something like this. Being being able to connect with a group that is willing to do this blows me away. Thanks @caughtatpoint for bringing the subject up.