E4 Worlds Name Tags, Voting and Ordering!

Hey guys,
For those of you who have already seen the thread, @garyis2000 has suggested the use of name tags for those of us on the fourum for our meet up at worlds. On top of that, he has very kindly offered to purchase them, free of charge to the members attending. So big shout outs to Gary!
As such, I’ve offered to design said name tags. This thread is for voting purposes and idea generation only. I’ll create something separate for when it comes time to order. For the time being I’ve created several templates which you can view below. Things to keep in mind while deciding a design: Keep it crisp and clean. Not only do we need these to identify ourselves, we are also identifying ourselves to the worlds community at large. We believe we are an elite thread, we should show that, as we represent the entire fourum.

Example One:
This design is actually a 2x3 inch. Something you could in theory green label with PSA once it’s all said and done. We may need a separate lanyard and holder to achieve a “gradable” ID tag but we’ve gotta determine if that’s something we actually want. The font and color scheme are all changeable with this design, graphic is removable.

Example Two:
A little more simple, again with the graphic being removable. Fonts and color scheme are still changeable. Product shown is metal.

Example Three:
Cheapest option, a very basic plastic name tag. As always all fonts are changeable, graphics can be added.

So something to consider when choosing a name tag is what we want on it. Name (both user and given name) I think are a must. From there do we want our “rank” such as founder, admin, moderator, member? Do we want to specifically spell out the event on the name tag? There are lots of options here.

If you guys have additional thoughts feel free to leave them below. Vote for a favorite. Or, throw up your own design for additional thoughts and consideration. I’ve been using the following website for designs and you guys can create your own and post them here for consideration: www.holmescustom.com/

As for the rest of you, voting should be done quickly. We are 34 days away from worlds and I’ll need some time to order and get everyone sorted.
Clean, simple, it’s got our logo.

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Is there a way to add a poll to this thread to make voting easier? :blush:

I like #2 because it shows the e4 logo. As much as I love the “collector” stamp, I think if we want to identify ourselves as a community we need to have the logo from the site :blush:


I also am partial to #2 for exactly the same reasons. The only thing I might change would be to make the fonts for details that are less important smaller so the left side text doesn’t feel as crowded.

I did attempt to make a poll, however I’m not sure if I have that power or if I simply missed it.

Thanks for the input. I’ll do a tally at the end of it all so I can get an idea.

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Excellent points.

I like the idea of using the rounded corners and dimensions of a pokemon card.

Some of these are a bit too plain. They need a subtle background or border to make them a bit more appealing. I like the COLLECTOR thing but I also think it’s important to ask Charlie how he feels about that since it will tie back to him. I also feel the logo is necessary. Maybe try to make it semitransparent off to the side and put some of the text over it.

#2 or #3 are the only choices. Nothing with collector is happening.

Ultimately they are just name tags so people know your username.

But I will miss the thread after world’s about if they are real or not.:smirk:



Hey guys, If I can help…
First of all I am not a graphic artist, and then I am on the iPhone :grin: .

I took the upper part(I don’t know its name) of the desktop version of our forum (I really like these, congrats to whoever make them! :wink: ).
I really like this shape (circle+rectangle) and it’s less flat of a simple rectangle.
(Maybe a black background with white writing is better?)

Nickname and name are a must.
I like the thing to use E4 member for everyone, avoiding the idea of hierarchy.
Then we can add the event(Worlds), the year(2019) and the location(Washington DC).
(Or maybe we can avoid the location to leave the plate cleaner)

I think that repeating “e4” near to “worlds” is useless, we already have the logo and “e4 member”.

This design is simple and elegant, but not too serious.

Of course it needs a finishing from a more expert hand, but I think that the idea it’s clear. :blush:

What do you think about it? Do you like it or not? What would you change?

A metal pin(like the ones that sometimes are in the collection boxes) would be crazy!

Or a metal plate anyway.

(I hope that it’s understandable, I had to write everything 2 times, because the first time I deleted everything by mistake, sorry if there are mistakes)

But what if my self-worth is solely based on the symbolic power I hold over users of an online forum?

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@fourthstartcg, 4thstargeneraltcg :wink:


Skip worlds and instead seek a new self-worth metric.

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I won’t be there, but I suggest making the names stand out more, such as making a larger font, or different colour. You don’t want to have to stare at a name tag for too long to decipher a persons name

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#2 with a larger name. Remove “e4 member” since that is what 95% of them will be.

If mods/other important people want their important title then give those ones titles and leave us nobody’s without the “e4 member”. Just clutters it up and is redundant.

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Mmm probably it would require more time to make the tags this way, right? :sweat_smile:

If my idea takes too long, then I choose #2.

Yeah probably you are right​:sweat_smile::+1:t3:

So I’ve taken a lot into account based on feedback. So thanks!
Here’s the new idea I have currently: drive.google.com/file/d/1YZeBpal1XCBjCbbrtS0O4VIvwsB4XEfB/view?usp=sharing


I like it, but maybe I would change the font. :blush:
Or I don’t know… it seems to be a bit plain

I agree with a font change. However, I think the name size is perfect and I really like the master ball positioning. Thanks for doing this!