E4's Favorite 2024 Illustration Contest t300 - Charizard (Closed)

The 2023/24 Illustration Contest top 300 has been revealed, and we will be running a series of polls to figure out which entrees are E4’s Favorite.

Each Pokemon will get it’s own Poll

Individual Pokemon Polls will end at 12PM Pacific one week from when it goes up

  • Vote for every illustration you like

The top 5 of each Pokemon will move on to the final round

This includes any that tie with 5th place

  • Finalists from each will be visible on the additional page (Which will also be hyperlinked here when the page is up, beginning Friday June 21st)


  • Alex Stone
0 voters

  • Amelia
0 voters

  • Bryce Warner
0 voters

  • chawc
0 voters

  • fujio
0 voters

  • jiun
0 voters

0 voters

  • matwvv
0 voters

  • Mauricio Parra
0 voters

  • mo〜zu
0 voters

  • Nathan Collins
0 voters

  • Rachel Liu
0 voters

  • Ross Verseman
0 voters

  • Style.T.84
0 voters

  • TeeP
0 voters

  • Yotsuba Kei
0 voters

  • Naoki Akamine
0 voters

  • Kurisu
0 voters

  • shiryu
0 voters

  • Sugimoto Souta
0 voters

  • Spareribs
0 voters

  • Masumi Doi
0 voters

  • Nakanishi Tatsuya
0 voters

  • Yoshito Fujiwara
0 voters

  • Porigon
0 voters

  • Kazukimi Minami
0 voters

  • yagiyaki
0 voters

  • YUKI
0 voters

  • Roma Yukue
0 voters

  • Wato
0 voters

  • Shiginan
0 voters

0 voters

  • Hachi Takashi
0 voters

Should be fun. Thanks for doing it @inertgeometry


Some of these arts are out of control

This one by yagiyaki is probably my favourite … Reminds me a lot to Kizuki’s Lineless Art Style …

There’re others that are extremely cool … One I’d highlight is the one by Style.T.84 … Is perfect for a playmat!!!

Once again, thanks @inertgeometry for making this poll possible!!!


I love these polls. I don’t know about the Charizard entries but for some of the other Pokemon entries there were some AI generated ones which is a real bummer :confused:


What a fun idea! Thanks so much for putting this together as always, this will be a great way to go through the entries. :grinning:


yeah eevee is the biggest offender from what i’ve gathered just briefly looking over them (been too busy making the polls for the next 10 days).

it also has the least entrees (16)


i know there is a lot of discussion about many of the entrees being AI art, but i’m not going to bother parsing that too much in my selections. just going to vote on stuff i find aesthetic compositionally and aesthetically.

not a fan of charizard at all, but there were some that i enjoyed, like this one (which i could totally see being an AI prompt)

i just like how the sky/sea matches the wings. really cool touch.


Didnt vote for as many as i thought i would. Cant wait to see the other polls. Thanks @inertgeometry for being so amazing setting up these polls!


It was a great idea to do a poll for this! Excited to see E4’s favorite illustration entries!


after further thought, i think it would be better to only allow the top 5 (and any that tie w/5th place) instead of including all of the top 10.

this will still leave us with at least 50 finalists (more likely closer to 60 after ties).


Kinda wish we could rate them between 1-5 instead to see the relative strength of each piece. Thought of doing that but inert is rapid.

Also not that we need to match the official contest but technically even if no one likes the ex for the restricted card layout, there will be a winner from the 10-15 or so that they advanced to the top 300 no matter the other results.

The poll master @inertgeometry at it again. Had some great zards this year, but I’m really looking forward to the other mons. (Especially absol and Flygon)


My first thought after seeing this artwork was it would be perfect choice with shiny colouring as Charizard gold star in alternate universe. :pikahappy:

Considering how the wings are positioned I think they would look great extending over artwork window, also the background nicely matches with theme of the EX Dragon Frontiers ( small islands located in the middle of sea ).

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@inertgeometry the great E4 poll master :pray:t4:


I like this one quite a bit. The blue colors just work so well with Zard.


This one reminds me of the generations holo zard

My favourites are the ones with the blue as well

Its that blue and orange complimentary going on


last chance to get your votes in. polls close in less than 4 hours