Ebay bidder question part 2

Here is what the bidding history looks like on my item. I want to cancel User 3’s bid because he is new and I don’t trust him. I’ve tried messaging him but with no response. He has automatic bid on so he just kept outbidding everyone. If I cancel his bid, will bidder 5 have the current high bid or is it going to drop the bids back down below that? I want to message the other user and tell them what is going on but I’m thinking they are going to believe that I am shill bidding my auction. My auction page clearly states that you may not bid unless you have a reputable history so this User 3 is just messing it up and it looks sketchy in my opinion.

  • Side note I blocked User 3, but since he has automatic bid on (he must have bid something really high), is he going to be able keep bidding?

I know these are some eBay technical questions but I couldn’t find the answers anywhere else. Hope you can help and thanks in advance!

User 3 (0) - 627
User 5 (9) - 617
User 5 (9) - 597
User 4 (132) - 577
user 3 (0) - 470
User 3 (0) - 260
User 3 (0) - 250
User 3 (0) - 245
User 3 (0) - 240
User 3 (0) - 235
User 2 (1) - 225
User 2 (1) - 210
User 2 (1) - 205
User 1 (90) - 199

Use Ebay Help & Contact and call them.

It usually takes less than 5 minutes to be talking to someone and they are very helpful.

If I’m second I’d ignore any second chance offer cause it looks like shill bidding.

Since you didn’t set your listing to omitting zero rated people your obligated to sell it to the winner. That’s your responsibility.

How do you omit zero rated people?

I’ve looked into this and the best I can do is block -1 or worse people.

Posting here to follow - I am not aware of being able to block 0 bidders/buyers either pre-purchase