Ebay buyer 0 rating, Made today

Rookie Ebay Seller question but any info is much appreciated.

Sold one of my cards just now to someone who created an account today (Jan 15 2020)

I really don’t feel comfortable and would rather cancel the sale…but if i cancel…the suggestions as to why lists only specific reasons and I don’t want to get any bad marks if i do this.

What’s the best way to proceed.

-It’s a 5$ card free ship so itll probably ship PWE and I’d rather sell to a more trusted buyer.-

Send it. Most likely there will be no issues.

If there is an issue, well it’s only $5


Your obligated to ship so ship;)


I would absolutely ship the card to them. I’ve made plenty of sales to 0 feedback buyers, including one which was over $1000, and all have turned out just fine. It’s only a $5 card, which imo is definitely not worth negative feedback.


I would just sell the card to the buyer. I don’t see any real reason to cancel the transaction. You don’t know if he is just genuinely new to eBay and is just starting his Pokemon collection.


@kira, Just ship it to the guy. Don’t worry over a $5 card and who in their right mind would create a fake account to scam you out of a $5 card??? Typically new ebayers are just fine. It very well may be someone that just decided to get into collecting. We all started somewhere remember.

I would only be concerned with extremely expensive cards of $100+

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I’m not really concerned about the 5$…more just how ebay works if ever anything did seem odd with a buyer. I’m assuming there would be kick back if a seller ever cancelled because they felt off about a buyer.

Can I ask you how old you are?


Honestly, when ebay accounts with 0 feedback buy an item from me I will send them a message asking to just reply with their mailing address. I word it something like this;

“Hello and thanks for your purchase! I see you are on a new account, could you please just confirm your shipping address for me?”

Almost always get a response and helps ease my mind.


0 feedback buyers have often caused the least problems in my experience


Everyone needs to start somewhere. We have all been 0 feedback buyers at one point… I wouldn’t worry.


As a bonus you get to leave their first feedback.


I wouldn’t ever refuse service to someone unless they had already had a history of a lot of negative feedback. No feedback doesn’t always mean negative feedback.

I’d definitely go through with the sale. I know I’ve seen some sellers state in thier listing “10+ positive feedback to bid on this item” or something to that effect. Not sure if ebay cares about that though… Maybe an option to put in future listing if you feel uncomfortable with low feedback buyers.

I had a seller refuse to send me ~15$ worth of Poke-goods last month because I only had 12 buyer reviews (100% positive). I didn’t leave negative feedback because he seemed pretty new / inexperienced, but I really wanted to.

Just send it. Personally, the VAST majority of people I know don’t even have an eBay account, much less one they regularly use and have built up credit on. The rest use it sparingly (1-2x per year). IMHO, excluding potential buyers with little/no feedback means excluding the majority of the eBay market.

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eBay gained about 6,000,000 users in 2019. Some probably buy Pokemon cards.

Hell if anything you’d be a bit safer I’d imagine. Same goes for buying from low feedback sellers. eBay/Paypal have more holds/restrictions on those accounts and if any dispute arises it’ll be your longer term rep vs. their new rep and I’d imagine you’d be more likely to be sided with, or at least have the issue remedied from eBay’s own pocket.



It was sent last night. I wasn’t going to cancel on the buyer…was just poking around and found only certain options to cancel which made me raise the question…what if something seemed super off in the future with a buyer and I didnt want to risk something.

I said “Rookie Ebayer” in the beginning…thanks for all those who gave their advice without the tude…<3333

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That’s over 16,000 new “0” rated people a day. Not selling to them is cutting out a large piece of the market.


I think also a lot of us understand your hesitation with things like this. I’m a low end collector so even losing $5 can feel like a slight against me. I know many of us have hesitated to some extent with new buyers, but all in all, most people tend to be good people. When it doubt, talk it out. Cheers!