Anyone that uses the GSP and have had someone request a return, how did you go about getting your items back? Ebay has told me they can’t help me with purchasing a label, and suggested I go to my local post office. Today when I stopped in, my post office told me I can’t purchase a label for another country. Any help would be appreciated!
Well, my 4th Ebay rep finally told me to do this. The first 3 were mainly no help. The buyer has decided they don’t want to provide the information to me directly, so they will have to escalate it with Ebay first.
The reason is “item not as described”. They purchased Jungle PSA 10 Unlimited and 1st edition from me, claiming they thought they were misprints and that there was no nose on the Pikachus. I scanned the images on my new V600 scanner. Turns out, when it scanned the cards, the nose of the Pikachu’s didn’t show up. I was blown away when the return request came, and went and looked at the pictures. The image had no nose, and they provided a cell phone picture of it with a nose. I grabbed another one I had in my personal collection, and sure enough, the nose didn’t show up in the new scan.
Not sure if it’s a setting, or just something weird that is happening. I am using the recommended settings suggested in the threads here on E4. The first Ebay rep told me I’ll lose the case, so I just accepted the returns. I didn’t have an issue with that, but since then, I’ve been told 2 ways to purchase labels and I can’t with the information provided to me by Ebay.
It blows my mind that Ebay can handle the transaction to the buyer, but can’t handle the transaction back and charge me for the shipping. It’s a major flaw in that option in my opinion.
Well that was certainly unexpected haha! A no nose Pikachu would be a real stonker…Can’t say I have run into a similar situation but I would just PayPal the funds to the buyer as I believe someone else mentioned.